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A boilerplate framework that helps you to write automation tests for E2E using selenium.


Implemented healenium(self-healing selenium) in branch origin/healenium. Execute sudo docker-compose up in Selenium4-Cucumber-Hybrid-Framework/infra directory. Since it does not provide extensive support, and having a low community resulting the feature to does not merge into the master branch.

healenium setup:


Test application

Plugins needed

  • Cucumber for Java
  • Gherkin
  • Lombok
  • Maven
  • TestNG

Test Execution

We can execute the test in different ways

  • Locally
    • Through maven
      • mvn clean test to execute test from testng.xml through maven.
      • To execute specific tags from command line we can use mvn test -> -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@All"
      • Can pass browser type and execution type from maven cli -> mvn test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@All" -Dbrowser=firefox -DexecType=local
      • Default value for browser and execType is chrome and local
      • If test need to execute I grid env then pass the execType as grid eg: -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@All" -Dbrowser=firefox -DexecType=grid
    • Through testng.xml
    • Through the class
  • Using selenium grid
    • selenium docker grid(docker-compose.yml) can be up using docker-compose up
    • check if grid is up: http://localhost:4444/ui/index.html#/
    • currently there is three Chrome browser node, ie three virtual machine with Chrome browser
    • During the grid execution we can see what's happening on each node, For that we can use second port mentioned in the docker-compose.yml node section eg: http://localhost:7901/ for chrome(Password: secret)
  • Rerun failed cases: Add rerun:target/failedrerun.txt in the plugin section.

In any point the execution in framework is start from class. Test that need to execute are defined in the features files present in the Features folder, The set of test cases are identified by appropriate tag name using the tags section in TestRunner class.

Test Execution Configurations

  • Execution mode(parallel or sequentially): In scenarios method in class, we can set if the test need to execute parallel or sequentially. Set the parallel flag to true or false.
    • The default test case count executing at a time is specified in the testng.xml, The default value is 2
  • Report configuration: Test report high level(suit level) configured will be done through @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations of TestNG inside TestRunner class. Each scenario wise step will be added to report through stepDef.Hooks.

RunnerHelper class will be shared among runners.TestRunner and runners.FailedTCRunner class to implement code re-usability.

Test case creation

Test cases are defined in the Features folder in the form of .feature file. The first step in the feature file is used to provide the test data used in the test case. Once we get the appropriate test data we can continue rest of the test step. The testdata fields in the json file should same as the fields present in the model class.

Test steps(com.stepDef)

  • This package contain all the step defined in the feature file like
    • Reading test data
    • Do the functionality like login, create order etc

Read Test Data

Test data reading start from test data path provided in step defined in the feature file. Test data is provided in JSON file in TestData/{feature name}/{test case01} path. We are using JsonDataReader class to read the data. This read data is set to the testDataModels.TestDataModel using the TestDataFactory. Since we want to support the parallel execution hence we are using factory method and thread-local class to create TestDataModel per test case using TestDataFactory. In this way each scenario will have its own TestData and will be executed in separate thread. Instead of thread local concept we can also use @ScenarioScoped but here we are not using it, Not any particular reason to ignore it, but I want the framework to include all the knowledge I learn from open source community.

Test reporting:

Suit level configuration: Test report high level(suit level) configured will be done through @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations of TestNG inside TestRunner class. each scenario wise step will be added to report through stepDef.Hooks

Scenario level configuration: Each common scenario operations like opening and closing Chrome browser, starting and closing test scenario, Adding screenshots for passed test etc. are done through Cucumber hooks present in the com.stepDef.Hooks class. We are using @Before and @After hooks of cucumber to achieve this.

Step level configuration: For test step status management are using listener class named com.utils.TestListener which implements cucumber plugin ConcurrentEventListener. Using this plugin we are managing the status of the test cases by monitoring test steps. We are handling three main status FAILED, PASSED, SKIPPED.

Scenario context

All the operations which are common in scenario level like driver management, data passing between test step are done through com.utils.TestContext. i.e. During the execution if we want to share the driver or store the order number in one step and use that order number in different step, then we need to use TestContext.

  • TestContext is marked with @ScenarioScoped, so the class will have separate copy of instance for each scenario
  • TestContext contain a map we can use this map to manipulate data.
  • We are using google-guice for DI


Configurations for the test suits are done through com.utils.ConfigUtil interface which extends org.aeonbits.owner.Config. Suit level configuration are done in TestContext class.


We are using slf4j to implement log4j through lombok

Other utils:

WaitHelper: This helper class contains all the type of waits for the framework. like JS wait, explicit wait etc...

Test output

  • The output of the test execution like order number, payment id etc. can be logged in report for the later use, so didn't create any other mechanism for that.

Other Features

  • Added Same test case with multiple types of data - Scenario outline mode
  • Added testng file so that we can control the thread count in parallel mode
  • In the current framework we have optimised the page management by combining POM with step def files, By doing so it is easily manageable, also creating new test case require only small effort.
  • Added google-juice and cucumber-juice for managing the state of driver object, class object etc
  • Added the @ScenarioScoped(the object of a class marked this annotation is only created for one scenario and destroyed after the use)
    • Added functionality of TestContext to accommodate all the common function in a scenario perspective eg: initialising and quitting a browser driver
    • Made the BrowserFactory to @ScenarioScoped since we want to support parallel testing each scenario needed new instance of driver
  • Added InteractionHelper class so less code in step def classes
  • Most of the exceptions are also handling in InteractionHelper class
  • Added preserve-order="true" in testng.xml to maintain order in the execution
  • Modal class implemented with lombok
  • Added ActionHelper class
  • Added WaitHelper class
  • Suppressed chrome driver and selenium warning message
  • Added gitignore file to ignore unnecessary file tracking

Why and Why Not

  • OOPS, used in framework
    • Runnerhelper class
  • Design pattern used
    • Added factory design pattern in the framework - selecting the browser mechanism
    • DI injection in Test context
  • No need to put the locators in exec or properties file because it's not efficient, if we implement such ecosystem we have to create and maintain separate files and related class to maintain that ecosystem which is an overkill
  • Why not use grass hopper extend report plugin - it's not support cucumber 7, It's not that much flexible as I wanted
  • Why use Google guice instead of pico container or spring
    • google guice - can do DI(object creation) with annotations and have @ScenarioScoped annotation which will make the state management easy
    • pico container - Do not have @ScenarioScoped annotation
    • spring - this is complex
  • Why not Cucumber+JUnit - cucumber junit will not allow us to execute scenarios in parallel only feature files in parallel, but TestNG can.
  • Why not use thread local concept to manage driver? - found google juice so went with that method because it's easy to implement. we can manage state using DI(@Inject) and @ScenarioScoped annotations
  • For logging SlF4j is used because it serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks (e.g. java.util.logging, logback, log4j) allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. if log4j have any vulnerability issue we can use logback or java.util.logging. Since this is an interface we can easily unplug and plug the frameworks
  • Only used explicit wait, adding implicit and explicit wait in same framework the selenium work in unexpected way - mentioned in the documentation, so removed it.

Feature need to add