A printing portal website developed using Django Framework,where user can upload his/her document to be printed and can pay respective amount using integrated epayment gateway. The website includes seperate login system for general users and shopkeeper authenticated with microsoft auth. Visit the website at Printing Portal.
python and django need to be installed
pip install django
Go to the Printing-Portal folder and run
python manage.py runserver
Then go to the browser and enter the url http://loaclhost:8000/printing_portal
The login page is common for customer and shopkeeper.
The username is their microsoft outlook email-id and password is thier respective email password.
You can access the django admin page at http://localhost:8000/printing_portal/admin, after creating new admin user by following command
python manage.py createsuperuser
There is no need to create any user from admin page.
The email of shopkeeper need to be defined at function store_user in authhelper file under tutorial folder.
Also the email of shopkeeper need to be defined at place order function in views file under task folder