Business Intelligency totally depends on data from various sources to analyze how much is being spent on different sources and what is ROI. This coonection will be used to get data from various social platform. Code is use to get the data of Ads/Campaign from different social media platform using their respective api
Before You Start You will need:
Register as a Facebook Developer A Facebook App – This app is use to add permission on the Ads/Campaign data
Before You Start You will need:
Register for Twitter developer account, and create consumer and secret keys.
You need Google Analytics Reporting API to fetch the data from Google analytics
Prerequisites for using Display & Video 360 API:
You must have a Google account. You need a Google Account in order to create a project in the Google API Console. You must have access to Display & Video 360. If your organization already has a Display & Video 360 contract, ensure a user profile with appropriate permissions has been created for your Google Account(s).
Need API key to get the data from SimilarWeb