This repository hosts a backend API designed for card games, built using Golang and the Gin web framework.
The API supports the following functionalities:
- Create a Deck: Generates a deck of cards. By default, a deck contains 52 cards (13 from each suit: Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, in order). Users can specify a subset of cards to include in the deck. The API also supports shuffling the deck.
"deck_id": "a251071b-662f-44b6-ba11-e24863039c59",
"shuffled": false,
"remaining": 30
- Open a Deck: Retrieves details about a specific deck, including its ID, shuffle status, remaining cards, and the cards themselves.
"deck_id": "a251071b-662f-44b6-ba11-e24863039c59",
"shuffled": false,
"remaining": 3,
"cards": [
{"value": "ACE", "suit": "SPADES", "code": "AS"},
{"value": "KING", "suit": "HEARTS", "code": "KH"},
{"value": "8", "suit": "CLUBS", "code": "8C"}
- Draw Cards: Allows drawing a specified number of cards from a deck.
"cards": [
{"value": "QUEEN", "suit": "HEARTS", "code": "QH"},
{"value": "4", "suit": "DIAMONDS", "code": "4D"}
- Ensure you have Go installed on your machine (preferably 1.20+).
- Clone this repository and navigate into the project directory.
Compile the application:
go build ./...
Start the API server:
go run main.go
You can test the API by running automated tests by:
go test ./...
There is also a Postman Collection
Sharing list of APIs here:
Creating Decks
- (Generating a full deck of unshuffled cards)
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/decks"
- (Generating a full deck of shuffled cards)
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/decks?shuffle=true"
- (Generating a partial deck of unshuffled cards)
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/decks?shuffle=false&cards=AS,2C,KH,KD,TC"
- (Generating a partial deck of shuffled cards)
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/decks?shuffle=true&cards=AS,2C,KH,KD,TC"
Opening Decks
- (Opening a deck of cards)
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/decks/XXXXXXXX-4e84-4dc6-968c-XXXXXXXX"
Drawing Cards
- (Drawing cards from a deck)
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/decks/XXXXXXXX-4e84-4dc6-968c-XXXXXXXX/draw?count=3
Maintaining a list of items here that can be worked on and improved.
- Is there a better way to handle the number 10 since it's the only double-digit? 🤔
For questions or feedback, please contact me at
Thank you for checking out my project! This is my second project in Go, and I'm eager to continue learning and improving.