Cairo University, Faculty Of Engineering, Computer Engineering Department
- Egypt
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/16305340/abdo-salm
- in/abdelrahman-mohamed-salem-11a16821a
- Pro
SE-pocket Public
a general embedded device with screen, external flash, bms, simplified keyboard and speakers.
delta-star_star-delta Public
this was a project for a subject in college (circuits 1)
Satellite-Delta Public
analysis for different algorithms that detects the change in the satellite image
x86-RegMaster Public
this is the files of microProcessor game using assembly
Mars-Exploration Public
Forked from Ahmed-Hany-F/Data-Sturcture-Projectmars exploration data-structure simulation for rovers, missions and events
SLAM-mapping-Robots Public
a robot performing mapping and autonomous navigation in a real time manner
online automated ticket reservation system for football matches in the Egyptian Premier League
stm32f407-drivers Public
HAL drivers for stm32f407 microcontrollers
SignalAnalyticsSuite Public
assignments of implmentation quantizers, dequiantizer, signal space, BER and matched filter
FPUALUExplorer Public
implementing, synthesizing, placing and rounting for various types of multipliers and adders
RedditQA Public
this is the poject related to the software engineering project (the testing part)
Carcotech Public
Forked from Ahmed-H300/CarcotechAn autonomous car that can solve maze and find it's path out.
course_EGFWD_embedded Public
course that I took from EG_FWD that blongs to ministry pf communication
VerilogSPIController Public
this is a college project of making SPI interface using verilog
ComputeHub Public
this is a project made whne i was in college for a subject called logic 1
1 UpdatedJun 6, 2022