This repository contains code based on the paper "CATFA-Net: A Trans-Convolutional Approach for Accurate Medical Image Segmentation (submitted to Elsevier MedIA)".
Train CATFA-Net using a medical image dataset containing binary labels. For multi-class segmentation, the training script "" needs to be modified.
Please prepare an environment with python = 3.10.x, and then use the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
for installing the dependencies. Review and check the versions of the libraries before installing. If you are running some other vesion of python, be sure to use the correct versions of the libraries.
Navigate to the directory containing . An example bash command for training CATFA-Net (this will load the small variant) would be:
python3 /path/to/dataset
--pre_split False --split 0.25
--result_dir results --save True
--save_file_name results/catfanet_small.pth.tar --num_epochs 50
--lr 1e-4 --batch_size 8
--model_size small --num_workers 2 --pin_mem True
--optimizer AdamW --pretrained True
--save_roc_pr False
The following are the detailed breakdown of the arguments that are parsed from the terminal:
dir : Directory of the dataset. The dataset with binary labels might be pre-split into train and test sets. Ensure that all the images and their corresponding masks have the same name. If the dataset is pre-split, the dataset folder should be organized in the following manner:
a. '/train' : should contain training images. b. '/train_masks' : should contain corresponding binary masks of the training images. c. '/test' : should contain images for testing every epoch. d. '/test_masks' : should contain corresponding binary masks of the test images.
If the dataset directory does not have any predefined splits, the dataset folder should be organized as follows:
1. '/images' : should contain the images. 2. '/masks' : should contain binary masks of the images.
--pre_split: Boolean "True" or "False" values are taken. Mentions whether a dataset has predefined split or not.
--split: If the dataset is not pre-split, mention the test split ratio. This value defaults to 0.2 .
--result_dir: Path to result directory where all the sample validation outputs, segmentation report and model weights will be stored after training.
--save: Boolean "True" or "False" values are taken. If "True" then the training loop will save the model checkpoint in every epoch.
--save_file_name: Name of the .pth.tar file where the model weights will be saved.
--num_epochs: Total number of training epochs. Needs to be an integer value.
--lr: Learning Rate of the optimizer. Might be a floating point value.
--batch_size: Batch size of train and validation data per training epoch.
--model_size: Size of CATFA-Net model. Takes values such as 'small' or 'large'.
--num_workers: Number of CPU workers for DataLoader object.
--pin_mem: Boolean "True" or "False" values are taken. If True, the dataloader will be pinned to memory.
--optimizer: Choice of Optimizer function. Values can be 'SGD', 'Adam' or 'AdamW'. We use 'AdamW' as a choice of optimizer and Dice Loss as a loss function of choice.
--pretrained: Boolean "True" or "False" values are taken. If True, CATFA-Net is loaded with a pre-trained ConvNext encoder backbone.
--save_roc_pr: Boolean "True" or "False" values are taken and defaults to "False". If "True", two sheet containing information to plot ROC and PR curves will be generated respectively, which can be used
to plot the corresponding curves in Origin.