JSON record version control for PHP
Paper Trail uses the JSON Patch standard to record iterative changes to a document. Each change is diffed to the previous version, timestamped, and cached. This record of changes can be stringified as JSON for persistence. This gives the user a running history of every change and thus each version.
git clone git@github.com:aaronbullard/paper-trail.git
composer require aaronbullard/paper-trail
composer test
- PaperTrail\RecordStore::create(Record $record = null) - Creates the RecordStore manager
- PaperTrail\RecordStore::save($doc, $comment = null) - Saves a new verion of a StdClass or Array
- PaperTrail\RecordStore::getVersion($version) - Returns the version of a document
- PaperTrail\RecordStore::getLatest() - Returns the last version of a document
- PaperTrail\RecordStore::getHistory() - Returns version history of the document
use PaperTrail\RecordStore;
$store = RecordStore::create();
$version1 = [
"library" => "My Personal Library",
"total" => 2,
"books" => [
[ "title" => "Title 1", "author" => "Jane Doe" ],
[ "title" => "Title 2", "author" => "John Doe" ]
$version2 = [
"library" => "My Personal Library",
"total" => 3,
"books" => [
[ "title" => "Title 1", "author" => "Jane Doe" ],
[ "title" => "Title 2", "author" => "John Doe" ],
[ "title" => "Title 3", "author" => "Jack Doe" ]
$doc = $store->getLatest();
$this->assertCount(2, $doc['books']);
// Update document
$store->save($version2, "Added a book");
// Cast record to JSON for persistence
$jsonRecord = $store->toJson();
// echo $jsonRecord;
{"commits":[{"version":1,"patch":[{"value":"My Personal Library","op":"add","path":"\/library"},{"value":2,"op":"add","path":"\/total"},{"value":[{"title":"Title 1","author":"Jane Doe"},{"title":"Title 2","author":"John Doe"}],"op":"add","path":"\/books"}],"timestamp":1552678141,"comment":null},{"version":2,"patch":[{"value":2,"op":"test","path":"\/total"},{"value":3,"op":"replace","path":"\/total"},{"value":{"title":"Title 3","author":"Jack Doe"},"op":"add","path":"\/books\/2"}],"timestamp":1552678141,"comment":null}]}
// Hydrate the RecordStore from your JSON record
$store = RecordStore::fromJson($jsonRecord);
// Get array of each version eg. {version, timestamp, comment, document}
$versions = $store->getHistory();
$this->assertCount(2, $versions);
$this->assertCount(3, $versions[1]['document']['books']);
$this->assertEquals("Added a book", $versions[1]['comment']);
// Retrieve a version
$this->assertCount(2, $store->getVersion(1)['books']);
$this->assertCount(3, $store->getVersion(2)['books']);
For more examples, see the tests: tests\FunctionalTests\RecordStoreFunctionalTest.php