This Order Management Micro-Service let's you perform CRUD operations over the Inventory and also will take Orders and generates Invoice.
Install Go latest version
Clone this project to your GOPATH
Install glide (package management for go)
Install all the dependency packages required for this service using the command
glide install -v
Install bee tool (optional)
The most preferrable way of running this service is using the bee tool, using which you dynamically generate swagger docs.
bee run -downdoc=true -gendoc=true
The above command starts the service on the default http and admin ports (8080- httpport, 8088- adminport).
If Go is Not Installed on your machine, you can still Run the Service using the below command. (Executable Binary File is Also Provided)
- /inventory/ - You can perform all the CRUD operations on this API.(Sample JSON provided under the Sample JSON Structure)
- /order/ - Through this API you can post the customer input and generate an invoice according to his order. (Charges will be waived off for orders totalling above 500)
- /about/ - On a GET Request to this API it will Return you the author and about of the service.
- (For Example : If the Service is Running on localhost and 8080 port then "localhost:8080/inventory/" || "localhost:8080/order/")
- (For Metrics : You can access the beego monitoring page on 8088 port)
- (For Swagger : You can access the swagger UI on 8080/swagger)
Label the node to run the pod on that particular node on a K8s cluster -
kubectl label node <node-name>
Create a directory /database, to persist the inventory db data -
mkdir -p /database
Run the K8s yaml file -
kubectl apply -f Deployment.yaml
After performing the above steps you can see a deployment, pod and service running in the nokia-challenge namespace. You can access the 8080 and 8088 ports on the serviceIP or you can use their NodePorts on k8s api-server IP.
You can run the unit-test cases on this service by changing into tests directory and running the command
orgo test -v
Request-1: curl -XPOST -d '[{"item":"Maggi","price":20,"category":"Noodels"},{"item":"Panner","price":160,"category":"Protein"},{"item":"Tofu","price":120,"category":"Protein"}]'
Response-1: {"status":"Success","message":"","result":"Sucessfully inserted 3 records"}
Request-2: curl -XPUT -d '[{"item":"FriedMaggi","price":35,"category":"Noodels"},{"item":"Tofu","price":140,"category":"Protein"}]'
Response-2: {"status":"Success","message":"","result":"Sucessfully updated 2 records"}
Request-3: curl -XDELETE -d '[{"item":"Maggi"}]'
Response-3: {"status":"Success","message":"","result":"Sucessfully deleted 1 records"}
Request-4: curl -XGET
Response-4: {"status":"Success","message":"","result":{"Inventory":[{"item":"panner","price":160,"category":"Protein"},{"item":"tofu","price":140,"category":"Protein"},{"item":"friedmaggi","price":35,"category":"Noodels"}]}}
Request-5: curl -XPOST -d '{"name":"Aakarshit","address":"Whitefield","phonenumber":9999999999,"order":[{"item":"Panner","quantity":2},{"item":"Tofu","quantity":1},{"item":"Friedmaggi","quantity":3}]}'
Response-5: {"status":"Success","message":"","result":{"Invoice":{"name":"Aakarshit","total":565,"taxes":101.700005,"charges":0,"amounttotal":666.7}}}
Note: The amounttotal in the Invoice will be a sum of total order value + 18% GST + 5% charges (if ordervalue is less than 500)
To pull the built image from dockerhub -
docker pull uguessmyid/nokia-challenge