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A simple application which uses REST of and folllowing partial SOLID and MVVM strict


Technology Stack

Following are the features:

  • Show List of Cat Facts (5) ✔
  • On Click of Any Fact it expands and show it's complete details ✔
  • Test cases ⛏

Android development

Latest cutting edge libraries and tools. As a summary:

Development setup

First off, it requires latest Android Studio 4.0 (or newer) to be able to build the app.

Compiling Requirements

Build Tools

Since mentioning specific build tools is no more mandatory with latest Android Studio, the project does not mention any particular build tool so that it uses latest build tools required to build this project.

Compile SDK

The project requires Android SDK 28 compile tools to build this project. If one faces error compiling this project, please install Android SDK Platform 30 manually from Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK

Gradle Plugin

The project requires gradle plugin version 6.5.


Flavor can be described as combination of requirements to meet specific set of needs. The flavors used by this app can be broken down as follows:

Product Flavors

Product flavors are designed to identify each environment separately.

  • live Production server (Live on Google Play)
  • staging Staging server (Used for testing purposes mainly)

Build Types

Builds types are designed to identify build configurations separately.

  • debug Build types intended to be used for developers while development
  • internal Build types intended to be used when sharing builds internally with QA and other teams
  • release Build types intended to be released on Play Store. It should only be used with combination of live.

The following table describes basic differences between these build types:

Feature debug internal release
Logs Enabled

debug and internal build types have suffix .internal appended to their application id so that they can be differentiated from release builds.

Build Variants

The final build created after combination of Product Flavor and Build Type is known as Build Variant. Each variant created reflects the properties mentioned in above section. Here are few examples from the variants used by this app:

  • stagingInternal Internal build pointing to staging server with debugging disabled to be used by QA and other team members before release for testing with staging server
  • liveRelease Release build pointing to production server to be released on Play Store

Ignored Variants

The build.gradle includes a map that skips some variants to reduce the compile time for this project by ignoring some of the build combinations that have no use. The following example describes how it works:

    // true to skip variant, default fallback for missing variants is true
    def variantFilterSkipMap = [
            // Other variants go here
            stagingDebug      : false, // Does not skip this variant
            stagingRelease    : true,  // Skips this variant
            // Other variants go here

Any variant not included here is skipped by default. Therefore variants that should not be skipped, must go here with value set to false.

All new variants are skipped by default unless included using variantFilterSkipMap

Signing the APKs

The build configurations file build.gradle contains signing configurations for each build so that builds created from any machine has same signing and can be installed over previous version of this project.

storeConfig can be used to generate signed apk for Play Store. This expects file containing information for signing at following relative path from this file:


The file should contain JSON in following format:

    "android": {
        "storeFile": "../../signings/keystores/LIVE.jks",
        "storePassword": "password",
        "keyAlias": "alias_name",
        "keyPassword": "password"

There are four properties that are read from the properties file:

  • storeFile (relative path to keystore file)
  • storePassword (Store password)
  • keyAlias (Name of alias used for this app)
  • keyPassword (Alias password)

Generate Signed Bundle / APK

For uploading build on Play Store, signed build should be used. The signing used for uploading on Play Store can be obtained from Cheetay team. For signature versions use both signatures given in Android Studio:

  • V1 (Jar Signature) ✔
  • V2 (Full APK Signature) ✔

Please note that the project currently has Google Signing enabled on Google Play

APK (Android Package Kit) File Names

Refer to build.gradle file starting with applicationVariants.all:

Each APK file name is named with following convention


To differentiate all variants, each variant file is given a different name so it clearly specifies the configurations and environment it was built for with app version included.

e.g. FactsV1.2.3.100_LiveRelease.apk is release ready APK with version name 1.2.3, version code 100 and is pointing to production server.

Code Style

The project uses default code style guidelines recommended by Android Studio. To match code style settings for this project, follow following steps:

  • Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Kotlin
    • Scheme => Project
    • Set from => Predefined Style -> Kotlin style guide
  • Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> XML
    • Scheme => Project
    • Set from => Predefined Style -> Android
  • Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java
    • Scheme => Project
    • Set from => Predefined Style -> Android

Application Versioning

The application uses Semantic Versioning for version names which is described as follows:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when one make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when one add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when one make backwards compatible bug fixes.

While the version code should be incremented every time when the build is shared with QA and/or other teams after any kind of change.

Preparing the release

Once the build is approved from QA team. The code should be merged in master and release should be published from master branch using GitHub Releases with release notes included. The build can then be uploaded on Play Store using the suggested process.

GitHub Release

The release prepared for GitHub should follow these instructions:

  • Target: master
  • Tag version: v[Full version] (e.g. v1.2.3.100)
  • Release title: Version [Full version] (e.g. v1.2.3.100)
  • Describe this release: Detailed release notes.


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A simple application which uses REST of and folllowing partial SOLID and MVVM strict







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