Releases: ZsoltGajdacs/BlinkReminder
Pre-break notification and postponeable breaks
The main new feature of this release is pre-break notifications:
- It's a non-blocking "bubble" which comes up at a preset time before the break would occur.
- It's amount can be set in settings
- Two modes available: permissive and restrictive
When the notification "bubble" comes up it informs the user which kind of break is coming, and there is a choice:
- You can either ignore, click on the break button, or postpone
This is where the two modes come up:
- Restrictive mode (default):
- If you do not want a break then you have to click on the button. Not clicking brings up the break when the time is up.
- Permissive mode:
- You only have to click if you want to have a break! Not clicking will result in nothing happening. Timers get reset, the whole cycle restarts like you had a break.
You also have to option to postpone the break. The length is set by the user in settings, also the amount.
So if you have '2x' for amount and '2 min' for time, then clicking on the 'postpone' button will make the notification go away, and it will only come again after two minutes. You can postpone like this for one more time, when you will either have a break or not. It will not be allowed to postpone again.
I hope these will make this little app even more useful! As always, suggetions are very much welcome!
See the rest of the things in the changelog!
Full screen text & settings scale control fix
I focused so much on the small screen break that I forgot to properly check the effects on the full screen one.
Fixed :)
Along with the scale control in settings, which is now disabled if full screen type is set.
Small screen break & code rework
This one took much longer than I ever thought, but hopefully I'll be able to get back to a more or less regular release path.
From the changelog:
- Basic logging added
- Major reorganization of code for long term maintability
- Replaced textboxes with numeric controls
- Added new break type: small screen break
- When locking the machine, based on the lock time and on user setting, it will be considered a long or short break
Update check & quote text display fix
- Added update check and bug report link to About
- Corrected fixed length of quote text display (it can now be as long as the screen)
- Small text correction for taskbar tooltip and settings window
Will take a bit bigger break after this one to work on another project. Developement to continue in a week or so.
Small fixes
- Short breaks timers are restarted after a long break (no double breaks close to each other anymore)
- Setting short or long interval times to zero in settings will now disable that timer
- When setting new value to interval/display time pressing enter will save it (previously the user had to click to another input field or the OK button)
Pause & input checks
Added the possibility to pause the timers for a certain time, or indefinitely.
Added input checks to all input fields. (There might be corner cases I missed)
Saveable settings & custom quotes
Settings are now saved in AppData/BlinkReminder
Tabs added to settings window, short and long quotes can now be added/removed as the user wants it
More settings
Improved settings:
- Display seconds are now displayed in a formatted way too
- Can set if the rests can be skipped or not
- Can set if rests should not occur if a fullscreen app is detected
Fix of long breaks
I left out some things from the first release, long breaks were not working properly.
That's hopefully fully fixed now.
First release
This is the first usable release. Somewhat rough around the edges :).
Install is right now a built-in VS2017 clickme installation.