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Alpha Release of Remnant eXpansion I

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@Zitchas Zitchas released this 28 Apr 13:21
· 59 commits to master since this release

ZRemnantX is a plug-in designed to significantly expand the Remnant into an interesting group to work with. Primarily by adding missions, but also expanding their access to various technology.

NOTE: This content was the starting point for everything contained in the Remnant Content PR for the core game. This pre-release is heavily out of date, and it is recommended to use the PR content instead.

Included in the Alpha v0.5 release is

  • 1 repeating bounty mission
  • 13 minor plot line missions (4 separate mini-sets)
  • 1 new outfit (in regular outfitters)
  • 1 license (granted by a mission, gives access to outfits salvaged by the Remnant)
  • 2 new ships (currently unrestricted in the shipyard - will be gated by missions once I have the missions in place. Not even close to being balanced.)
  • Slightly modified Ship data for the Gascraft, Starling, and Albatross (each ship was given a small amount of "Ramscoop" value built-in)

Goals: Version 1.0 is intended to be the release where the following have been met:

  • Penguin and Pelican have a clear and identifiable role and have been balanced.
  • Penguin is revealed and made accessible by a mission set. (estimate 2-3 more missions)
  • Pelican is revealed and made accessible by a mission set. (estimate 5-10 more missions)
  • Additional repeating missions (1 additional repeating combat mission and several non-combat)

For Version 0.6 my goals are:

  • Additional repeating missions (1 additional repeating combat mission and several non-combat)

For Version 0.7 my goals are:

  • Balance the Penguin and create a clear role and story for it.
  • Create 3 more missions to build up to and introduce it.

Note regarding the Pelican:
Thanks go to Brick for allowing me to use the graphics he created for it to be used in here. When it is actually PR'd into the base game, I will be adapting my version to match the one he creates in the game, or creating a story reason for this version existing (refitting the hull, etc).

Note regarding development:
While currently being developed as a plug-in, my intention is for this content to be eventually PR'd into the base game. Therefor content is intended to be balanced and fit into the game itself.