Enables control of power and temperature limits on AMD Renoir powered laptops. Idea for it was as a temperary hold over untill my bigger app is done being fixed for Renoir. RyzenAdj is working now without GPU and SOC clock speeds but Renoir does a good job of managing those now. Renoir-only version of Ryzen Controller. Uses Flygoat's smu-tool found here: https://github.com/flygoat/ryzen_nb_smu
- Go to the releases tab found here and download the latest release
- Extract the files and place them were you would like to.
- Run InstallDriver.Exe (needed to read physical memory)
- You are good to go.
- Try to change your power profile that your OEM suplies to the highest perfomance mode
- This is known to help on HP's and Asus Laptops for sure
- Putting your computer to sleep resets most of the settings
- Enable Smart Reapply!
- Detects when changes are made to the power settings and reverts them if possible.
If anyone would like to help with that I would greatly appreciate any help. I think it will be a mix of c/c++ and c# for most of the code. Join the Ryzen Controller Discord if you want to keep up with deveolopment or talk with like-minded people!