该文件是确认 2017 年和 2018 年两年之间的选择的变量。
变量名称 | 2017 年 | 2018 年 | 注释 | Alvin |
Professional | Professional-Q100 | Student | 2017 年和 2018 年名称存在差异,17 年数据是包括了学生 student 和 17 年 university ;18年转换为 university | 需要探讨:1.是否是学生是一个切入点;2.Professional也可以包含18年的Student |
Employment | EmploymentStatus | Employment | 工作状态 | |
FormalEducation | FormalEducation | FormalEducation | 最高学历 | |
UndergradMajor | MajorUndergrad | UndergradMajor | 专业 | |
Gender | Gender | Gender | ||
SkipMeals | SkipMeals | 1 | ||
Race | Race | RaceEthnicity | 人种描述 | 我记得不是删除这个么,感觉有种族歧视的嫌疑 |
Age | Age | 1 | ||
Country | Country | Country | ||
Salary | Salary - 320 | ConvertedSalary -P20 | (待确认一下两者是否存在差异)2017增加salarytype | 17年是年薪,18年会选择薪水模式,可能需要转化 |
Currency | Currency -310 | CurrencySymbol0 -P20 | 2 | |
CompanySize | CompanySize | CompanySize | ||
DeveloperType | DeveloperType | DevType | 2 | |
JobSatisfaction | JobSatisfaction | JobSatisfaction | ||
CareerSatisfaction | CareerSatisfaction | 1 | ||
JobSeekingStatus | JobSeekingStatus | JobSearchStatus | 2 | |
CommunicationTools | CommunicationTools | 1 | ||
21年Q628中只问询了去年使用的平台,为什么在schema中还有对明年的期望; | ||||
HackathonReasons | HackathonReasons | 1 | ||
YearsCoding | YearsCodedJob - 175-YearsCodedJobPast - | YearsCoding | yearsprogram 170 years codedjob 和 yearsCodedJobPast 数据处理需要精细化,注意缺失值判断 |
我感觉这两个可以合成一个:YearsCodedJob |
LanguageDesireNextYear | WantWorkLanguage | LanguageDesireNextYear | 2 | |
LanguageWorkedWith | HaveWorkedLanguage | LanguageWorkedWith | 2 | |
DatabaseDesireNextYear | WantWorkDatabase | DatabaseDesireNextYear | 2 | |
DatabaseWorkedWith | HaveWorkedDatabase | DatabaseWorkedWith | 2 | |
PlatformWorkedWith | HaveWorkedPlatform | PlatformWorkedWith | 2 | |
PlatformDesireNextYear | WantWorkPlatform | PlatformDesireNextYear | 2 | |
Methodology | Methodology | Methodology | ||
IDE | IDE | 1 | ||
Hobby | ProgramHobby | Hobby | 2 | |
OpenSource | OpenSource | 1,17 年中 programhobby 选项 1 和 3 作为 Hobby,2 和 3 作为 opensource的处理方案 | 17年将爱好和开源合在一起了,整理时虚注意,both为两者都有,no为两者都无 | |
AIDangerous | AIDangerous | 1 | ||
AIInteresting | AIInteresting | 1 | ||
AIResponsible | AIResponsible | 1 | ||
AIFuture | AIFuture | 1 | ||
AgreeDisagree1 | AgreeDisagree1 | 1 | ||
AgreeDisagree2 | AgreeDisagree2 | 1 | ||
AgreeDisagree3 | AgreeDisagree3 | 1 | ||
WorkStart | WorkStart | 3 | 这两个放在一起好像不合适,WakeTime可以探究,WorkStart好像意义不大 | |
UpdateCV | ResumePrompted | UpdateCV | 2 | |
MetricAssess | MetricAssess - 481 | 3 自我评价:用哪些指标来评估高级开发人员的表现 | ||
LastNewJob | LastNewJob | LastNewJob | ||
SelfTaughtTypes | SelfTaughtTypes | SelfTaughtTypes | ||
TimeAfterBootcamp | TimeAfterBootcamp | TimeAfterBootcamp | ||
EducationTypes | EducationTypes | EducationTypes | ||
HoursComputer | HoursComputer | 2 | ||
- 1 表示的是 2017 年没有该数据,2018 年有
- 2 表示两个字段名称存在差异
- 3 表示 2017 年有数据,而 2018 年没有
StackOverflowDescribes StackOverflowSatisfaction StackOverflowDevices StackOverflowFoundAnswer StackOverflowCopiedCode StackOverflowJobListing StackOverflowCompanyPage StackOverflowJobSearch StackOverflowNewQuestion StackOverflowAnswer StackOverflowMetaChat StackOverflowAdsRelevant StackOverflowAdsDistracting StackOverflowModeration StackOverflowCommunity StackOverflowHelpful StackOverflowBetter StackOverflowWhatDo StackOverflowMakeMoney
StackOverflowRecommend 推荐SO的意愿 StackOverflowVisit 访问SO的频率 StackOverflowHasAccount 有无os账户 StackOverflowParticipate 参加SO活动频率 StackOverflowJobs 使用或访问SO jobs StackOverflowDevStory 更新so开发人员故事 StackOverflowJobsRecommend 推荐SO StackOverflowConsiderMember SO成员 HypotheticalTools1 对假设工具打分_同伴指导系统 HypotheticalTools2 对假设工具打分_编程私人区域 HypotheticalTools3 对假设工具打分_编程博客平台 HypotheticalTools4 对假设工具打分_工作审查平台 HypotheticalTools5 对假设工具打分_职业问答领域
- ProblemSolving
- BuildingThings
- LearningNewTech
- BoringDetails
- JobSecurity
- DiversityImportant
- AnnoyingUI
- FriendsDevelopers
- RightWrongWay
- UnderstandComputers
- SeriousWork
- InvestTimeTools
- WorkPayCare
- KinshipDevelopers
- ChallengeMyself
- CompetePeers
- ChangeWorld
- AssessJobIndustry
- AssessJobRole
- AssessJobExp
- AssessJobDept
- AssessJobTech
- AssessJobProjects
- AssessJobCompensation
- AssessJobOffice
- AssessJobCommute
- AssessJobRemote
- AssessJobLeaders
- AssessJobProfDevel
- AssessJobDiversity
- AssessJobProduct
- AssessJobFinances
ImportantBenefits ——
- Stock options
- Retirement/pension contributions
- Opportunity for an annual bonus
- The number of annual days off (vacation, holidays, etc.)
- Employer match of charitable contributions
- Health benefits
- Employer purchase of high-quality equipment (workstation, monitor, etc.)
- Private office
- Employer sponsorship of professional development (e.g. conference attendance, course enrollment)
- Employer sponsorship of education (e.g. tuition reimbursement)
- Long-term leave policies (e.g. parental leave, sabbatical)
- Number of expected work hours each week
- The ability to work from home
- Child or elder care benefits
AssessJob1-10 新工作重要性角度和薪资待遇判断。 AssessBenefits1-11 新工作重要性角度和薪资待遇判断
- ImportantHiringAlgorithms
- ImportantHiringTechExp
- ImportantHiringCommunication
- ImportantHiringOpenSource
- ImportantHiringPMExp
- ImportantHiringCompanies
- ImportantHiringTitles
- ImportantHiringEducation
- ImportantHiringRep
- ImportantHiringGettingThingsDone
- 对工作和职业的满意情况:JobSatisfaction 、CareerSatisfaction
- 对潜在工作的评估:AssessJob1
- 对新工作的福利态度:AssessBenefits1
- 主要用那种沟通工具:CommunicationTools
- 有多少接触过线上学习:EducationTypes
- 如何学习的:SelfTaughtTypes
- 毕业多久可以找到工作:TimeAfterBootcamp——这个可以定为一个有意思的角度
- 对广告的态度:AdBlocker
- 对AI的态度:AIDangerous
- 对SO的态度:StackOverflowRecommend
- 工作时间:HoursComputer—— 2017年缺乏该数据
- 废寝忘食的敲代码的比例:SkipMeals
- 性别比例:Gender
YearsCoding 加上上学的时间编程了多少年 YearsCodingProf 以编程为工作多少年了
EducationTypes 学习教育方式 SelfTaughtTypes 教授信息方式 TimeAfterBootcamp developer training毕业到工作用多久 HackathonReasons 在线编程和学习的原因
LanguageDesireNextYear 使用其他语言 LanguageWorkedWith 已使用语言 DatabaseDesireNextYear 数据库变化 DatabaseWorkedWith 数据库使用 PlatformDesireNextYear 接下来的工作平台期待 PlatformWorkedWith 正在使用工作平台 FrameworkDesireNextYear 下一年工作的库和工具 FrameworkWorkedWith 当前工作的扩展库和工具 IDE 开发环境
17 年的 MetricsAssess 评估指标 481