Table Of Contents
This is a directory that stores the original data files and the tidy data file
- survey2017 csv file about survey in 2017 stores the data wrangled
- survey2018 zip file stores the data wrangled that it is csv file in 2018
- survey zip file stores the data wrangled that it is csv file between 2017 and 2018
This is a directory that stores the discussion and the ToDo_list
- FieldsDict markdown file, describe the fields information
This is a directory that stores the helper module files
- preprocess a script file that is used to wrangle data
This is a directory that stores the process to access data and wrangle data
- FileAbout2017 wrangle the survey data in the 2017. Done by ZenRay
- Overflow_2018 wrangle the survey data in the 2018, and analysis the data between 2017 and 2018. Done by AAAlvin