This Project is Built Purely on Java (GUI support using Swing Package) and used local mysql database. To run this project make sure:
- Java is installed.
- A mysql server is up and running.
First go and run the client side of mysql database. Make a new user "zemotacqy" with password "Zemotacqy" and grant this user all permissions. Refer here: Setup Mysql Locally Run the following commands in succession:
create database login; create table student(student_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, student_name varchar(100) ,age int(10) , course varchar(100) , college varchar(100) , contact int(10) ); insert into student(student_id , student_name , age , course , college , contact ) values(1 , 'master' , 1 , 'course' , 'college' , 1234567891); create table teacher(teacher_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, teacher_name varchar(100) ,age int(10) , subject varchar(100) , qualifications varchar(100) , contact int(10) ); insert into teacher(teacher_id , teacher_name , age , subject , qualifications , contact ) values(1 , 'master' , 1 , 'subject' , 'qualifications' , 1234567891);
Now go to a cmd and then go the directory which contains all the java files in "connection". And run the command - javac *.java (This will create .class files of all the java files in connection folder) Now go and run in same cmd : java Login_page Use username:admin and password: admin