- All Contributions are highly appreciated, if you would like to contribute to this project, follow the steps below.
- Fork a copy of this Repository on your Github account by clicking below,
- Clone your Forked Repository by using the following
git clone https://github.com/[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]/Dashboard.git
- Navigate into the Project's
by using the command below:
cd Dashboard
- Initialize a Remote to the original Repository by the following
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Zemerik/Dashboard
🚀 Quick Start:
- To run this project locally, we first need to download a few
dependencies by using the command below:
npm i
- We can locally run this Project on our Network and see the output using the following Command of
npm run dev
- Create a new
in which you can make your desired changes:
git checkout -b newcontribution
- After making your changes, add all your files to the Staging Area:
git add --all
- Commit your Changes:
git commit -m "[COMMIT MSG]"
Remember to live a good commit message
- Push all your Changes:
git push origin newcontribution
- Create a new Pull - Request (PR) on the Original Repository
Your Pull Request will be merged / reviewed as soon as possible.
- If you would like to report a bug, a issue, implement any feedack, or request any feature, you are free to do so by opening a issue on this repository. Remember to give a detailed explanation of what you are trying to say, and how it will help the website.
For any kind of support or inforrmation, you are free to join our Discord Server,
Don't forget to leave a ⭐
Made with 💖 by Hemang Yadav (Zemerik)