A light FTP, FTPs library without external dependencies written in typescript.
At Zaptic we use this library for our FTP integrations and it can be considered production ready but is not necessarily bug free. It does not implement every methods from the RFC spec but we are open to adding them as the need arises.
This package is available via NPM:
yarn add @zaptic-external/secure-ftp
npm install --save @zaptic-external/secure-ftp
In typescript (not sure this code compiles by just copy pasting but it should be straight forward):
import FTPS from '@zaptic-external/secure-ftp'
async function main() {
const options = {
host: 'ftp.example.com',
port: '22',
username: '', // The remote user
password: '', // The password for that user
secure: true, // Enables SSL
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: false // Makes sure the server's certificate is valid
// This initialisealizes the FTPS object but will not open a connection
const ftp = new FTPS(options)
// Connects to the ftps server. You might want to check for possible errors
await ftp.connect()
try {
// Transfers the file under localPath to the ftp server remotePath
await ftp.upload(localPath, remotePath)
// Downloads the file to the local path
await ftp.download(remotePath, localPath)
// Downloads the file and load it in memory
// You might not want to do that with large files
const fileContent = await ftp.get(remotePath)
// Streams the content of the stream to the remote file
await ftp.put(remotePath, stream)
// Removes the said file from the ftp server
await ftp.remove(remotePath)
const remoteFolderContent = await ftp.nlist(remoteFolder)
} catch (error) {
// Do some error handling
} finally {
// This will close the connection. Make sure you always call that
await ftp.quit()