This module provides a version of Json.Encode that allows you to trigger & record errors during the encoding process.
This allows you to perform a certain amount of validation on your data structure during the encoding pass, rather than handling it separately.
The API is designed to identical to Json.Encode except that it includes a fail
to record an error
and that the errors are propagated through the encoding. The encoding produces a Result type instead
of a raw Json.Encode.Value.
import Json.Encode.Falliable as Encode
{-| When compiled and viewed in the browser, this displays:
Failed with errors: Nonempty (".nodes[2]","Encountered unknown node: C") []
main : Html msg
main =
case encodeNodeSet data of
Ok data ->
text "Encoded successfully!"
Err errors ->
text ("Failed with errors: " ++ toString errors)
encodeNodeSet : NodeSet -> Encode.ValueResult
encodeNodeSet nodeSet =
encodeNode node =
case node of
NodeA ->
Encode.string "a"
NodeB ->
Encode.string "b"
UnknownNode name -> ("Encountered unknown node: " ++ name)
[ ( "title", Encode.string nodeSet.title )
, ( "nodes", Encode.list <| encodeNode nodeSet.nodes )