- They establish a SLAM-integrated MMS with the capability of efficient, consistent and robust mapping in complex en- vironments where GNSS signal is intermittently lost.
- Fisrt: derived the probabilistic model for SLAM-integrated MMS, which abstractly proved the advances of adding the feedback from the mapping module to the localization module.
- Second: Describe details of the hierarchical factor graph optimization structure, which is the core of the proposed method.
- Essential factor graph: dumps all redundant factors to keep the global graph concise and tight.
- iSAM (incremental smoothing and mapping) algorithm is employed off-line to efficiently solve the global optimization.
- Point cloud registration is performed on GPU using surfel-based approach to speed up.
- combining INS and GNSS
- +Lidar
- GNSS-denied area:
- automatic registration of point cloud map from multiple passes: requires data from multiple passes of the same scene and require manual adjustment.
- Hussnain et al. (2018) extracted the known landmarks in the environment as control points. (against SLAM idea)
- multi-source data fusion technique
- From the perspective of probability, the estimation of robot poses can be transformed as maximizing the conditional distribution of robot pose, given the noise model of all on- board sensors.
- (1) filtering methods, e.g. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), and Particle Filter (PF),
- (2) and smoothing methods.
- Full smoothing: optimizes entire history of states
- Fixed-lag smoothing: optimizes states falling within a given time window
- compromise of filter approaches and full smoothing approaches. accuracy is higher than filter approaches because they re-linearize past measurements.)
- The disadvantage is that the marginalization of old tates destructs the sparsity of hessian matrix, which decreases the effciency of optimization.
- iSAM (Incremental Smoothing and Mappng): STOA. Opimizes a small subset of variables dentified as affected nodes by the new measurement
Failure: structureless environment or under rapid rotation
- classical point-based ICP registration
- Costs too much on closest points searching
- May get stuck into the local optimum, when a bad initial is provided
- divided SLAM prblem into the odometry and the mapping thread (performed feature-based scan-to-scan registration on odometry at high frequency, while preformed feature-based scan-to-map registration on the parallel Mapping thread at lower frequency)
- lacks an optimization back-end, which makes error accumulation
- Lego_Loam: Aded an optimization back-end for LOAM\
- SuMa(Surfel Mapping): surfel-based SLAM
- A global surfel-based map was constructed and maintained.
- The surfel-based ICP algorithm is a variation of classical ICP.
- It project points as the depth image, so that correspondences can be directly found by indexing the same pixel in a pair of successive depth images, which avoids the costly searching and increase the convergency of the estimation iteration.
- he changes of poses were estimated by exploiting the projective data associations between current laser scan and a rendered model view from the global point cloud map.
- SuMa++: SuMa + RangeNet++
- Improve the registration accuracy in dynamic environment: Remove the moving objects in the point cloud and build a semantic map.
Indoortechniques: indoor environment is well-structured, i.e. indoor free space is flat and full of lines and surfaces: Good for 2D SLAM solutions
- Gmapping
- Cartographer
Totally GNSS denied environment
GNSS is sporadic:
GNSS signals are unavailable: Blocked or effected by multi-path effect
They set the time periods of GNSS-denied as 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s- 1- Pseudo-GNSS/INS system
These sensors provide the data stream for map construction.
The key of this is transforming the pose estimation by SLAM to Pseudo-GNSS signals. To improve the efficiency of the mapping optimization
EKFGNSS/INS-based MMS proposed Pseudo-GNSS/INS framework - 2- Image-assisted gnss/ins navigation for uav-based mobile mapping systems during gnss outages.
Hierarchical filter along with smoothers
1- The first stage is a tightly coupled Kalman Filter (KF) followed by a smoother using GNSS/INS measurements as inputs.
2- The second stage is a loosely coupled KF utilizing the output from the first stage and a vision-based trajectory to aid trajectory refinement during GNSS outages.idea detailed
- 1- Pseudo-GNSS/INS system
1- Green blocks: raw data
- GNSS Unavailable: IMU only
- Lidar: Relative transformation
2- Pose Graph(first)
- IMU preintegrated factors (GNSS signalk locked)
- Or odometry factors: GNSS/IMU filter
- scan-to-map registration factors (surfel-based:SuMa)
- small loop factors (surfel-based:SuMa)
3- when GNSS signal is lost, construction time of a submap span a long period of time: surfel-based approach may fail.
Local refinement | Global refinement |
Scan-to-map registration factor | Map-to-map registration factor |
1- Continuous-Time Laser Frames Associating and Mapping via Multilayer Optimization (MDPI sensors 2020)
- Normal distributions transform (NDT) and ICP
- Continuous-time laser frames associating and mapping framework
- 1- Intraframe point cloud segmentation (RANSAC)
- 2- Interframe point cloud association (NDT)
match the consecutive frames with the ground points and effective non-ground points - 3- Submap matching (ICP)
the first frame of the submap is used as a key frame - 4- Closed loop detection (NDT)
- 5- Graph optimization:
- Three-layer point cloud association technique.
🌕 Note: (LOAM):Uses features to align consecutive frames |
NDT:Normal Distributions Transform :interframe association of sparse point clouds (match the point clouds with a global map) |
The interframe point cloud association method: |
1- ICP: easy to fall into the local optimum |
2- fast point feature histogram (FPFH): expensive computational costs |
3- Super-4PCS: global search with (RANSAC), ostly in computation but has higher association accuracy |
4- normal distributions transform (NDT): fastest and relatively reliable method |
- With low drift
- Real-time performance
- Rank 13th KITTI benchmark
- Geometric feature points extraction
- ground point G, facade F, roof R, pillar P, beam B, and vertex V
- Multi-metric linear least square ICP: (multiple distance metrics)
- Roughly classified feature points
- Multi-metric Linear Square (MULLS) ICP
- Local map updating
- Submap-based loop closure
- TEASER-based global registration
- Inter & inner submap PGO
- Local: Requires good initial guess to finely align two overlapping scans without stuck in the local minima
- Global: Coarsely align them
- Deep Learning
- First learn to embed points
- Learn to match keypoints
- Optimization PointNet, DGCNN, PointNetLK, DCP,…
- ICP (Iterative closest point)
- Sparse point-based:
- LOAM (The edge and planar points)
- LeGO-LOAM (Conduct ground segmentation)
- Dense projective normal ICP:
- Suma
- SuMa++ (Semantic masks)
- Limitations:
- Requires an initial guess
- Lose 3D information due to the operation based on range image or scan-line
Pipeline of geometric feature points extraction and encoding | Pipeline of the multi-metric linear least square ICP |