Current project idea, is to create a 2D isometric game featuring multiple professions (Farmer, Blacksmith, etc...) in Gamemaker.
Add more here as needed to explain the overall project idea
master branch is used as a main consitent branch storing our most recent fully working code.
Zac and Michael are personal dev branches.
Commands Listed are as of 30/04/20
These commands may also be in a different order in gamemaker than seen here
In Gamemaker there are a list of commands available in the source control section (available by right clicking on items).
Add to source control
- adds any untracked files to staging
Commit to source control
- commits any files in staging
Update from source control
- pulls files from origin (remote repo) to the local master branch
Commit All
Refresh All
Revert All
Update All
Add All
- shouldn't work could be changed to push to origin master but to prevent any issues might avoid using that
Switch to master
- changes branch to master
Switch to Michael
- changes branch to Michael
Switch to Zac
- changes branch to Zac
Push to Zac
- sends any commited changes to the remote Zac branch
Push to Michael
- sends any commited changes to the remote Michael branch
Git Status
- shows the status, what branch you are on, what files are untracked
Merge master Michael
- merges the contents of local master to Michael, shouldn't overwrite any work done on the local Michael
make sure that the local master branch is updated by changing to the master branch and running git pull or the update from source control function
Merge master Zac
- merges the contents of local master to Zac
Currently manual merging into master is needed to update the master branch with the most up to date content from each branch - this can be done by creating a pull request on Github
Pull from Michael
- pulls remote changes from the Michael branch into the local Michael branch
Pull from Zac
- same as above but for remote and local Zac branches
Discard changes
- removes any untracked (uncommited) changes that were made in the branch