A Example project using Fine framework.
Run make help
command, You will see help information.
Choose a command run in project fine-example:
Usage: make <TARGETS> <OPTIONS> ...
go.fmt Gofmt (reformat) package sources.
go.deps Add missing modules and delete unused modules to generate a directory of dependencies.
go.test Test packages.
go.build Compile the project and generate an executable file.
go.run Run packages.
server.start Start server.
server.stop Stop server.
server.reload Reload server.
server.status Show server status.
clean Clean package.
swag.fmt Format Swag interface comments.
swag.gen Generate Swagger.json interface document.
help Show help message.
GOOS GO compilation system, defaults to the current system.
GOARCH GO compilation architecture, defaults to the current architecture.
GO_BUILD_FLAGS GO compilation additional parameters, default is -a.
GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS GO compilation link parameter, default is -w.
Follow the prompts to execute the corresponding commands.
If you want to directly debug and run the project locally,
execute make go.run
go install github.com/ZYallers/fine/hxs/fine/cmd/fine@latest
golang version >= 1.17
- Gin Web Framework: https://gin-gonic.com
- Gorm ORM: https://gorm.io
- Go Redis: https://redis.uptrace.dev
- GoDoc API: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ZYallers/fine
is licensed under the MIT License, 100% free and open-source, forever.