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ft_printf Roadmap

This roadmap for the ft_printf project integrates advanced structuring, modularity, and an extensive focus on testing and error handling. This approach guarantees smooth mandatory and bonus implementation while complying strictly with the 42 Norm.

Directory Structure

Copy code
├── Makefile                  ──> Builds project, manages dependencies, bonus rules
├── ft_printf.h               ──> Header with prototypes, includes, macros, and typedefs
├── libft/                    ──> Libft functions (if allowed, copied here)
│   ├── Makefile              ──> Makefile specific for libft
│   ├── ft_*.c                ──> Libft functions
│   └── libft.h               ──> Header for libft
├── src/                      ──> Main source folder for ft_printf
│   ├── ft_printf.c           ──> Core formatting and dispatching logic
│   ├── conversions/          ──> Files handling individual conversions
│   │   ├── x_char.c          ──> %c, %%
│   │   ├── x_str.c           ──> %s, NULL handling
│   │   ├── x_ptr.c           ──> %p
│   │   ├── x_int.c           ──> %d, %i
│   │   ├── x_uint.c          ──> %u
│   │   ├── x_hex.c           ──> %x, %X
│   │   └── x_mod.c           ──> %%
│   └── bonus/                ──> Folder for bonus functionality: flags, width, precision
├── obj/                      ──> Directory for compiled .o files
└── tests/                    ──> Testing folder
    ├── test_ft_printf.c      ──> Main test file for ft_printf
    └── test_cases/           ──> Structured test cases
        ├── test_mandatory.c  ──> Mandatory conversion tests
        └── test_bonus.c      ──> Bonus feature tests

Phase-by-Phase Guide

Phase 1: Setup and Planning

  1. Read & Analyze Requirements:
    • Break down mandatory conversions: %c%s%p%d%i%u%x%X%%.
    • Understand bonus objectives: flags (0+#), width, and precision.
  2. Repository & Directory Structure:
    • Create a Git repository following 42 standards.
    • Structure directories based on modularity to facilitate bonus extensions later.
  3. Makefile Creation:
    • Implement rulesallcleanfcleanre, and bonus.
    • Add flags: Wall -Wextra -Werror.
    • Test Makefile thoroughly to confirm each rule works as expected.

Phase 2: Core Parsing Logic

  1. Implement ft_printf Parsing:
    • In ft_printf.c, define variadic handling with va_listva_startva_end.
    • Build a dispatcher to route each format specifier to corresponding conversion handlers.
    • Use a loop to scan the format string, detect % symbols, and call the right handler.
  2. Basic Tests for Parsing:
    • Write tests to ensure correct identification and routing of specifiers without conversion handling.
    • Verify that % triggers handler functions correctly.

Phase 3: Mandatory Conversions

3.1 Conversion Implementations

  • Each conversion should be handled in dedicated files within src/conversions/ for modularity:
  1. Character (%c) and Percent (%%):
    • Implement in x_char.c.
    • Handle %c for single characters and %% for literal %.
  2. String (%s):
    • Implement in x_str.c.
    • Ensure graceful handling of NULL strings as (null).
  3. Integers (%d and %i):
    • Implement in x_int.c.
    • Test edge casesINT_MININT_MAX.
  4. Unsigned Integer (%u):
    • Implement in x_uint.c.
    • Cover values such as 0 and UINT_MAX.
  5. Hexadecimal (%x and %X):
    • Implement in x_hex.c.
    • Include checks for lowercase and uppercase formats.
  6. Pointer (%p):
    • Implement in x_ptr.c.
    • Ensure proper formatting as 0x... with NULL checks.

3.2 Testing for Mandatory Conversions

  • Write unit tests covering edge cases and typical scenarios for each conversion.
  • Comparison Script: Build a script that compares ft_printf output against standard printf.

Phase 4: Bonus Features Implementation

4.1 Field Width, Precision, and Flags

  1. Field Width and Precision:
    • Parse width and precision modifiers in the format string.
    • Use precision to truncate strings or pad numbers based on specified values.
  2. Flags (0#+, and space):
    • Implement flag handling with compatibility checks (e.g., %-10.5d%#x%+d).
    • Write test cases combining flags, width, and precision.

4.2 Modular Restructuring for Bonus

  • Relocate bonus handling into src/bonus/.
  • Reorganize the Makefile to ensure separate compilation for bonus features.

Phase 5: Testing, Optimization, and Norm Compliance

  1. Comprehensive Testing:
    • Expand tests to cover complex combinations of flags, width, and precision.
    • Valgrind testing to detect memory leaks and errors.
  2. Code Review and Optimization:
    • Ensure each function adheres to the 42 Norm:
      • Functions under 25 lines.
      • Avoid unnecessary global variables.
    • Refactor common code into helper functions.
  3. Documentation and Commenting:
    • Comment complex logic, explaining parameters and expected behavior.
  4. Final Validation:
    • Final tests to ensure compliance with both mandatory and bonus requirements.
    • Double-check Git repository for proper organization, commits, and submission readiness.

Summary of Steps

Without Bonus

  1. Phase 1: Initial setup and Makefile.
  2. Phase 2: Parsing and dispatcher setup.
  3. Phase 3: Implement mandatory conversions.
  4. Phase 5: Testing, code quality, and compliance.

With Bonus

  1. Phase 1: Initial setup, planning for bonus.
  2. Phases 2-4: Core implementation and bonus integration.
  3. Phase 5: Expanded testing, debugging, and review.








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