a demo for using springboot
- java 17
- springboot
- spring Security
- spring data
- Thymeleaf
- lombok
- Liquibase
- Java Mail Sender
- login page
- sign up page
- validation form
- activated email link
- logout
- show all Staff
- using pagination
- show all Department
- create new staff
- delete staff
- create new department
- ( ) you need to authenticate before accessing this page
- to login as admin use username: admin , password: admin
- to login as user use username: user , password: user
- use this ( ) support all method requests [get,post,put,delete], you need to add basic auth to perform any request. use the credentials provided above.
- use this ( ) support all method requests [get,post,put,delete], you need to add basic auth to perform any request. use the credentials provided above.
EMAIL_USER_NAME : your gmail
EMAIL_PASSWORD : the App password , you can gen generate the app password from your account managment