diff --git a/public/locales/de-DE.json b/public/locales/de-DE.json
index adaa19a0..3a20b4ba 100644
--- a/public/locales/de-DE.json
+++ b/public/locales/de-DE.json
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@
 			"features": {
 				"videoHistory": {
 					"resumePrompt": {
-						"close": "Close"
+						"close": "Schließen"
-					"resumeButton": "Resume"
+					"resumeButton": "Fortsetzen"
 				"screenshotButton": {
-					"copiedToClipboard": "Screenshot copied to clipboard",
-					"label": "Screenshot"
+					"copiedToClipboard": "Screenshot in Zwischenablage kopiert",
+					"label": "Bildschirmfoto"
 				"loopButton": {
-					"label": "Loop"
+					"label": "Dauerschleife"
 				"maximizePlayerButton": {
-					"label": "Maximize"
+					"label": "Vergrößern"
 				"featureMenu": {
-					"label": "Feature menu"
+					"label": "Funktions-Menü"
 				"volumeBoostButton": {
-					"label": "Volume Boost"
+					"label": "Lautsärke Verstärkung"
 		"options": {
 			"notifications": {
 				"success": {
-					"saved": "Options saved."
+					"saved": "Optionen gespeichert."
 				"info": {
-					"reset": "All options have been reset to their default values.\nYou can now save the changes by clicking the \"Confirm\" button or discard them by closing this page or ignore this notification."
+					"reset": "Alle Optionen wurden auf ihre Standardwerte zurückgesetzt.\nSie können die Änderungen jetzt speichern, indem Sie auf den \"Bestätigen\"-Button klicken oder diese verwerfen, indem Sie diese Seite schließen oder diese Benachrichtigung ignorieren."
@@ -44,90 +44,90 @@
 			"importExportSettings": {
 				"importButton": {
 					"error": {
-						"validation": "Error importing settings. Please check the file format.\n{{ERROR_MESSAGE}}",
-						"unknown": "Error importing settings. Please check the file format.\nAn unknown error occurred."
+						"validation": "Fehler beim Importieren der Einstellungen. Bitte überprüfen Sie das Dateiformat.\n{{ERROR_MESSAGE}}",
+						"unknown": "Fehler beim Importieren der Einstellungen. Bitte überprüfen Sie das Dateiformat.\nEin unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten."
-					"success": "Settings imported successfully",
-					"title": "Import settings from a JSON file",
-					"value": "Import Settings"
+					"success": "Einstellungen erfolgreich importiert",
+					"title": "Einstellungen aus JSON-Datei importieren",
+					"value": "Einstellungen importieren"
 				"exportButton": {
-					"success": "Settings successfully exported",
-					"title": "Export settings to a JSON file",
-					"value": "Export Settings"
+					"success": "Einstellungen erfolgreich exportiert",
+					"title": "Einstellungen zu JSON-Datei exportieren",
+					"value": "Eistellungen exportieren"
 			"miscellaneous": {
-				"title": "Miscellaneous settings",
+				"title": "Weitere Einstellungen",
 				"features": {
 					"rememberLastVolume": {
-						"title": "Remembers the volume of the last video you were watching and sets it when you open a new video",
-						"label": "Remember last volume"
+						"title": "Speichere die Lautstärke des letzten Videos, das du gesehen hast und setze es beim Öffnen eines neuen Videos",
+						"label": "Letzte Lautstärke merken"
 					"maximizePlayerButton": {
-						"title": "Fills the video to the window size",
-						"label": "Maximize player button"
+						"title": "Füllt das Video in die Fenstergröße",
+						"label": "Player-Button maximieren"
 					"videoHistory": {
-						"title": "Keeps track of where you left off on videos you were watching and asks if you want to resume when that video loads again",
-						"label": "Video history"
+						"title": "Merkt sich den Zeitpunkt pausieren des Videos. Fragt beim erneut laden, ob man Vortfahren möchte.",
+						"label": "Videoverlauf"
 					"remainingTime": {
-						"title": "Shows the remaining time of the video you're watching",
-						"label": "Remaining time"
+						"title": "Zeigt die verbleibende Zeit des Videos, das du siehst",
+						"label": "Verbleibende Zeit"
 					"loopButton": {
-						"title": "Adds a button to the player to loop the video you're watching",
-						"label": "Loop button"
+						"title": "Fügt dem Player einen Button hinzu, um das Video dass du siehst in Dauerschleife zu setzen",
+						"label": "Dauerschleife-Button"
 					"hideScrollbar": {
-						"title": "Hides the pages scrollbar",
-						"label": "Hide scrollbar"
+						"title": "Versteckt die Scrollleiste",
+						"label": "Scrollbar ausblenden"
 					"automaticTheaterMode": {
-						"title": "Automatically enables theater mode when you load a video",
-						"label": "Automatic theater mode"
+						"title": "Automatisch den Theatermodus aktivieren, wenn ein Video geladen wird",
+						"label": "Automatischer Theatermodus"
 			"scrollWheelVolumeControl": {
-				"title": "Scroll wheel volume control settings",
+				"title": "Lautstärke durch Mausrad ändern",
 				"enable": {
-					"title": "Lets you use the scroll wheel to control the volume of the video you're watching",
-					"label": "Scroll wheel volume control"
+					"title": "Lässt dich das Scrollrad verwenden, um die Lautstärke des Videos zu steuern, das du siehst",
+					"label": "Lautstärke durch Mausrad ändern"
 				"osdColor": {
-					"title": "Select the color for the On-Screen Display",
-					"label": "OSD Color"
+					"title": "Farbe für den On-Screen Display wählen",
+					"label": "OSD-Farbe"
 				"osdType": {
-					"title": "Select the style of On-Screen Display",
-					"label": "OSD Type"
+					"title": "Wähle den Style des On-Screen Displays",
+					"label": "OSD Typ"
 				"osdPosition": {
-					"title": "Select the position of the On-Screen Display",
+					"title": "Wählt die Position des On-Screen Displays",
 					"label": "OSD Position"
 				"osdOpacity": {
-					"title": "Adjust the transparency of the On-Screen Display",
-					"label": "OSD Opacity"
+					"title": "Transparenz des On-Screen Display verändern",
+					"label": "OSD Transparenz"
 				"osdVolumeAdjustmentSteps": {
-					"title": "Adjust the volume change per scroll",
-					"label": "Volume Change Per Scroll"
+					"title": "Lautstärke-Änderung pro Scroll anpassen",
+					"label": "Lautstärke-Änderung pro Scroll"
 				"osdHide": {
-					"title": "Specify the time, in milliseconds, before automatically hiding the OSD",
-					"label": "Hide Delay"
+					"title": "Geben Sie die Zeit in Millisekunden an, bevor der OSD automatisch versteckt wird",
+					"label": "Verstecken Verzögerung"
 				"osdPadding": {
-					"title": "Adjust the spacing around the on-screen display (OSD) in pixels. This applies specifically to corner OSD.",
-					"label": "Padding"
+					"title": "Passen Sie den Abstand um den Display auf dem Bildschirm (OSD) in Pixeln an. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Eck-OSD.",
+					"label": "Abstand"
 				"onScreenDisplay": {
 					"colors": {
-						"red": "Red",
-						"green": "Green",
+						"red": "Rot",
+						"green": "Grün",
 						"blue": "Blau",
 						"yellow": "Gelb",
 						"orange": "Orange",
@@ -136,118 +136,118 @@
 						"white": "Weiß"
 					"position": {
-						"top_left": "Top Left",
-						"top_right": "Top Right",
-						"bottom_left": "Bottom Left",
-						"bottom_right": "Bottom Right",
-						"center": "Center"
+						"top_left": "Oben Links",
+						"top_right": "Oben Rechts",
+						"bottom_left": "Unten Links",
+						"bottom_right": "Unten Rechts",
+						"center": "Mitte"
 					"type": {
-						"no_display": "No display",
+						"no_display": "Keine Anzeige",
 						"text": "Text",
-						"line": "Line",
-						"round": "Round"
+						"line": "Linie",
+						"round": "Rund"
 				"holdModifierKey": {
 					"enable": {
-						"title": "Press a modifier key to enable volume adjustment with the scroll wheel.",
-						"label": "Enable when holding modifier key"
+						"title": "Drücken Sie eine Modifikator-Taste, um die Lautstärkeregelung mit dem Scrollrad zu aktivieren.",
+						"label": "Aktivieren, wenn die Modifikator-Taste gedrückt wird"
-					"optionLabel": "{{KEY}} key",
+					"optionLabel": "{{KEY}} Taste",
 					"select": {
-						"label": "Modifier key",
-						"title": "The modifier key to use"
+						"label": "Modifikator-Taste",
+						"title": "Die zu verwendende Modifikator-Taste"
 				"holdRightClick": {
 					"enable": {
-						"title": "Hold right click to enable scroll wheel volume control",
-						"label": "Enable when holding right click"
+						"title": "Rechtsklick gedrückt halten, um die Lautstärkeregelung des Scrollrades zu aktivieren",
+						"label": "Aktivieren, wenn Rechtsklick gedrückt wird"
 			"automaticQuality": {
-				"title": "Automatic quality settings",
+				"title": "Automatische Qualitätseinstellungen",
 				"enable": {
-					"title": "Automatically adjusts the video quality to the selected level.",
-					"label": "Automatic quality adjustment"
+					"title": "Die Videoqualität wird automatisch auf die ausgewählte Qualität gestellt.",
+					"label": "Automatische Qualitätsanpassung"
 				"select": {
-					"label": "Player quality",
-					"title": "The quality to set the video to"
+					"label": "Video-Qualität",
+					"title": "Die Qualität auf die das Video gestellt werden soll"
 			"playbackSpeed": {
-				"title": "Playback speed settings",
+				"title": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit Einstellungen",
 				"enable": {
-					"title": "Sets the video speed to what you choose below",
-					"label": "Forced playback speed"
+					"title": "Setzt die Videogeschwindigkeit auf das, was du unten wählst",
+					"label": "Erzwungene Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit"
 				"select": {
-					"label": "Player speed",
-					"title": "The speed to set the video to"
+					"label": "Video Geschwindigkeit",
+					"title": "Die Geschwindigkeit auf die das Video gestellt wird"
 			"volumeBoost": {
-				"title": "Volume boost settings",
+				"title": "´Lautstärke-Boost Einstellungen",
 				"enable": {
-					"title": "Boosts the volume of the video you're watching",
-					"label": "Volume boost"
+					"title": "Erhöht die Lautstärke des Videos, das du siehst",
+					"label": "Lautstärken-Boost"
 				"number": {
-					"label": "Volume boost amount (dB)",
-					"title": "The amount to boost the volume by"
+					"label": "Lautstärke-Boost (dB)",
+					"title": "Die Höhe um die die Lautsätke verstärkt wird"
 			"screenshotButton": {
-				"title": "Screenshot settings",
+				"title": "Screenshot-Einstellungen",
 				"enable": {
-					"title": "Adds a button to the player to take a screenshot of the video",
-					"label": "Screenshot button"
+					"title": "Fügt dem Player einen Button hinzu, um einen Screenshot des Videos zu machen",
+					"label": "Screenshot-Taste"
 				"selectSaveAs": {
-					"label": "Screenshot save type",
-					"title": "The screenshot save type"
+					"label": "Screenshot-Speicherart",
+					"title": "Der Screenshot-Speichertyp"
 				"selectFormat": {
-					"label": "Screenshot format",
-					"title": "The format to save the screenshot in"
+					"label": "Screenshot-Format",
+					"title": "Das Format zum Speichern des Screenshots"
 				"saveAs": {
-					"file": "File",
-					"clipboard": "Clipboard"
+					"file": "Datei",
+					"clipboard": "Zwischenablage"
 			"bottomButtons": {
 				"confirm": {
-					"title": "Confirm setting reset",
-					"value": "Confirm"
+					"title": "Einstellungen zurücksetzen",
+					"value": "Bestätigen"
 				"clear": {
-					"title": "Clears all data this extension has stored on your machine",
-					"value": "Clear Data"
+					"title": "Löscht alle Daten, die diese Erweiterung auf Ihrem Rechner gespeichert hat",
+					"value": "Daten löschen"
 				"reset": {
-					"title": "Resets all settings to their defaults, Click the confirm button to save the changes",
-					"value": "Reset"
+					"title": "Setzt alle Einstellungen auf ihre Standardwerte zurück. Klicken Sie auf die Bestätigungs-Schaltfläche, um die Änderungen zu speichern",
+					"value": "Zurücksetzen"
 			"language": {
-				"title": "Language",
+				"title": "Sprache",
 				"select": {
-					"label": "Language",
-					"title": "The language to use for the extension"
+					"label": "Sprache",
+					"title": "Die Sprache dieser Erweiterung"
 		"clearData": {
-			"confirmAlert": "This will delete all extension data related to options. Continue?",
-			"allDataDeleted": "All data has been deleted."
+			"confirmAlert": "Dies löscht alle Erweiterungsdaten zu Optionen. Fortfahren?",
+			"allDataDeleted": "Die Daten wurden gelöscht."
 	"messages": {
-		"settingVolume": "Setting volume boost to {{VOLUME_BOOST_AMOUNT}}",
-		"resumingVideo": "Resuming video at {{VIDEO_TIME}}"
+		"settingVolume": "Lautstärke-Boost wird auf {{VOLUME_BOOST_AMOUNT}} eingestellt",
+		"resumingVideo": "Video bei {{VIDEO_TIME}} fortsetzen"
diff --git a/public/locales/en-US.json.d.ts b/public/locales/en-US.json.d.ts
index a95219e0..a7bfa3b4 100644
--- a/public/locales/en-US.json.d.ts
+++ b/public/locales/en-US.json.d.ts
@@ -1,192 +1,189 @@
 interface EnUS {
 	langCode: "en-US";
 	langName: "English (US)";
+	messages: {
+		resumingVideo: "Resuming video at {{VIDEO_TIME}}";
+		settingVolume: "Setting volume boost to {{VOLUME_BOOST_AMOUNT}}";
+	};
 	pages: {
 		content: {
 			features: {
-				videoHistory: { resumePrompt: { close: "Close" }; resumeButton: "Resume" };
-				screenshotButton: { copiedToClipboard: "Screenshot copied to clipboard"; label: "Screenshot" };
+				featureMenu: { label: "Feature menu" };
 				loopButton: { label: "Loop" };
 				maximizePlayerButton: { label: "Maximize" };
-				featureMenu: { label: "Feature menu" };
+				screenshotButton: { copiedToClipboard: "Screenshot copied to clipboard"; label: "Screenshot" };
+				videoHistory: { resumeButton: "Resume"; resumePrompt: { close: "Close" } };
 				volumeBoostButton: { label: "Volume Boost" };
 		options: {
 			notifications: {
-				success: { saved: "Options saved." };
 				info: {
 					reset: 'All options have been reset to their default values.\nYou can now save the changes by clicking the "Confirm" button or discard them by closing this page or ignore this notification.';
+				success: { saved: "Options saved." };
 	settings: {
+		clearData: {
+			allDataDeleted: "All data has been deleted.";
+			confirmAlert: "This will delete all extension data related to options. Continue?";
+		};
 		sections: {
+			automaticQuality: {
+				enable: {
+					label: "Automatic quality adjustment";
+					title: "Automatically adjusts the video quality to the selected level.";
+				};
+				select: { label: "Player quality"; title: "The quality to set the video to" };
+				title: "Automatic quality settings";
+			};
+			bottomButtons: {
+				clear: {
+					title: "Clears all data this extension has stored on your machine";
+					value: "Clear Data";
+				};
+				confirm: { title: "Confirm setting reset"; value: "Confirm" };
+				reset: {
+					title: "Resets all settings to their defaults, Click the confirm button to save the changes";
+					value: "Reset";
+				};
+			};
 			importExportSettings: {
+				exportButton: {
+					success: "Settings successfully exported";
+					title: "Export settings to a JSON file";
+					value: "Export Settings";
+				};
 				importButton: {
 					error: {
-						validation: "Error importing settings. Please check the file format.\n{{ERROR_MESSAGE}}";
 						unknown: "Error importing settings. Please check the file format.\nAn unknown error occurred.";
+						validation: "Error importing settings. Please check the file format.\n{{ERROR_MESSAGE}}";
 					success: "Settings imported successfully";
 					title: "Import settings from a JSON file";
 					value: "Import Settings";
-				exportButton: {
-					success: "Settings successfully exported";
-					title: "Export settings to a JSON file";
-					value: "Export Settings";
-				};
+			};
+			language: {
+				select: { label: "Language"; title: "The language to use for the extension" };
+				title: "Language";
 			miscellaneous: {
-				title: "Miscellaneous settings";
 				features: {
-					rememberLastVolume: {
-						title: "Remembers the volume of the last video you were watching and sets it when you open a new video";
-						label: "Remember last volume";
-					};
-					maximizePlayerButton: {
-						title: "Fills the video to the window size";
-						label: "Enable maximize player button";
+					automaticTheaterMode: {
+						label: "Automatic theater mode";
+						title: "Automatically enables theater mode when you load a video";
-					videoHistory: {
-						title: "Keeps track of where you left off on videos you were watching and asks if you want to resume when that video loads again";
-						label: "Enable video history";
+					hideScrollbar: { label: "Hide scrollbar"; title: "Hides the pages scrollbar" };
+					loopButton: {
+						label: "Loop button";
+						title: "Adds a button to the player to loop the video you're watching";
+					maximizePlayerButton: { label: "Maximize player button"; title: "Fills the video to the window size" };
 					remainingTime: {
+						label: "Remaining time";
 						title: "Shows the remaining time of the video you're watching";
-						label: "Enable remaining time";
-					loopButton: {
-						title: "Adds a button to the player to loop the video you're watching";
-						label: "Enable loop button";
+					rememberLastVolume: {
+						label: "Remember last volume";
+						title: "Remembers the volume of the last video you were watching and sets it when you open a new video";
-					hideScrollbar: { title: "Hides the pages scrollbar"; label: "Enable hide scrollbar" };
-					automaticTheaterMode: {
-						title: "Automatically enables theater mode when you load a video";
-						label: "Enable automatic theater mode";
+					videoHistory: {
+						label: "Video history";
+						title: "Keeps track of where you left off on videos you were watching and asks if you want to resume when that video loads again";
+				title: "Miscellaneous settings";
-			scrollWheelVolumeControl: {
-				title: "Scroll wheel volume control settings";
+			playbackSpeed: {
 				enable: {
-					title: "Lets you use the scroll wheel to control the volume of the video you're watching";
-					label: "Enable scroll wheel volume control";
+					label: "Forced playback speed";
+					title: "Sets the video speed to what you choose below";
-				osdColor: { title: "Select the color for the On-Screen Display"; label: "OSD Color" };
-				osdType: { title: "Select the style of On-Screen Display"; label: "OSD Type" };
-				osdPosition: { title: "Select the position of the On-Screen Display"; label: "OSD Position" };
-				osdOpacity: {
-					title: "Adjust the transparency of the On-Screen Display";
-					label: "OSD Opacity";
+				select: { label: "Player speed"; title: "The speed to set the video to" };
+				title: "Playback speed settings";
+			};
+			screenshotButton: {
+				enable: {
+					label: "Screenshot button";
+					title: "Adds a button to the player to take a screenshot of the video";
-				osdVolumeAdjustmentSteps: {
-					title: "Adjust the volume change per scroll";
-					label: "Volume Change Per Scroll";
+				saveAs: { clipboard: "Clipboard"; file: "File" };
+				selectFormat: { label: "Screenshot format"; title: "The format to save the screenshot in" };
+				selectSaveAs: { label: "Screenshot save type"; title: "The screenshot save type" };
+				title: "Screenshot settings";
+			};
+			scrollWheelVolumeControl: {
+				enable: {
+					label: "Scroll wheel volume control";
+					title: "Lets you use the scroll wheel to control the volume of the video you're watching";
-				osdHide: {
-					title: "Specify the time, in milliseconds, before automatically hiding the OSD";
-					label: "Hide Delay";
+				holdModifierKey: {
+					enable: {
+						label: "Enable when holding modifier key";
+						title: "Press a modifier key to enable volume adjustment with the scroll wheel.";
+					};
+					optionLabel: "{{KEY}} key";
+					select: { label: "Modifier key"; title: "The modifier key to use" };
-				osdPadding: {
-					title: "Adjust the spacing around the on-screen display (OSD) in pixels. This applies specifically to corner OSD.";
-					label: "Padding";
+				holdRightClick: {
+					enable: {
+						label: "Enable when holding right click";
+						title: "Hold right click to enable scroll wheel volume control";
+					};
 				onScreenDisplay: {
 					colors: {
-						red: "Red";
-						green: "Green";
 						blue: "Blue";
-						yellow: "Yellow";
+						green: "Green";
 						orange: "Orange";
-						purple: "Purple";
 						pink: "Pink";
+						purple: "Purple";
+						red: "Red";
 						white: "White";
+						yellow: "Yellow";
 					position: {
-						top_left: "Top Left";
-						top_right: "Top Right";
 						bottom_left: "Bottom Left";
 						bottom_right: "Bottom Right";
 						center: "Center";
+						top_left: "Top Left";
+						top_right: "Top Right";
-					type: { no_display: "No display"; text: "Text"; line: "Line"; round: "Round" };
+					type: { line: "Line"; no_display: "No display"; round: "Round"; text: "Text" };
-				holdModifierKey: {
-					enable: {
-						title: "Press a modifier key to enable volume adjustment with the scroll wheel.";
-						label: "Enable hold modifier key";
-					};
-					optionLabel: "{{KEY}} key";
-					select: { label: "Modifier key"; title: "The modifier key to use" };
+				osdColor: { label: "OSD Color"; title: "Select the color for the On-Screen Display" };
+				osdHide: {
+					label: "Hide Delay";
+					title: "Specify the time, in milliseconds, before automatically hiding the OSD";
-				holdRightClick: {
-					enable: {
-						title: "Hold right click to enable scroll wheel volume control";
-						label: "Enable hold right click";
-					};
+				osdOpacity: {
+					label: "OSD Opacity";
+					title: "Adjust the transparency of the On-Screen Display";
-			};
-			automaticQuality: {
-				title: "Automatic quality settings";
-				enable: {
-					title: "Automatically adjusts the video quality to the selected level.";
-					label: "Enable automatic quality adjustment";
+				osdPadding: {
+					label: "Padding";
+					title: "Adjust the spacing around the on-screen display (OSD) in pixels. This applies specifically to corner OSD.";
-				select: { label: "Player quality"; title: "The quality to set the video to" };
-			};
-			playbackSpeed: {
-				title: "Playback speed settings";
-				enable: {
-					title: "Sets the video speed to what you choose below";
-					label: "Enable forced playback speed";
+				osdPosition: { label: "OSD Position"; title: "Select the position of the On-Screen Display" };
+				osdType: { label: "OSD Type"; title: "Select the style of On-Screen Display" };
+				osdVolumeAdjustmentSteps: {
+					label: "Volume Change Per Scroll";
+					title: "Adjust the volume change per scroll";
-				select: { label: "Player speed"; title: "The speed to set the video to" };
+				title: "Scroll wheel volume control settings";
 			volumeBoost: {
-				title: "Volume boost settings";
 				enable: {
+					label: "Volume boost";
 					title: "Boosts the volume of the video you're watching";
-					label: "Enable volume boost";
 				number: { label: "Volume boost amount (dB)"; title: "The amount to boost the volume by" };
-			};
-			screenshotButton: {
-				title: "Screenshot settings";
-				enable: {
-					title: "Adds a button to the player to take a screenshot of the video";
-					label: "Enable screenshot button";
-				};
-				selectSaveAs: { label: "Screenshot save type"; title: "The screenshot save type" };
-				selectFormat: { label: "Screenshot format"; title: "The format to save the screenshot in" };
-				saveAs: { file: "File"; clipboard: "Clipboard" };
-			};
-			bottomButtons: {
-				confirm: { title: "Confirm setting reset"; value: "Confirm" };
-				clear: {
-					title: "Clears all data this extension has stored on your machine";
-					value: "Clear Data";
-				};
-				reset: {
-					title: "Resets all settings to their defaults, Click the confirm button to save the changes";
-					value: "Reset";
-				};
-			};
-			language: {
-				title: "Language";
-				select: { label: "Language"; title: "The language to use for the extension" };
+				title: "Volume boost settings";
-		clearData: {
-			confirmAlert: "This will delete all extension data related to options. Continue?";
-			allDataDeleted: "All data has been deleted.";
-		};
-	};
-	messages: {
-		settingVolume: "Setting volume boost to {{VOLUME_BOOST_AMOUNT}}";
-		resumingVideo: "Resuming video at {{VIDEO_TIME}}";
diff --git a/public/locales/ru-RU.json b/public/locales/ru-RU.json
index a2bd00d8..e945a384 100644
--- a/public/locales/ru-RU.json
+++ b/public/locales/ru-RU.json
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 				"holdModifierKey": {
 					"enable": {
 						"title": "Нажмите клавишу-модификатор, чтобы включить управление громкостью с помощью колеса прокрутки.",
-						"label": "Включить клавишу-модификатор удержания"
+						"label": "Включить при удержании клавиши-модификатора"
 					"optionLabel": "Клавиша {{KEY}}",
 					"select": {
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 				"holdRightClick": {
 					"enable": {
-						"title": "Удерживайте нажатой правую кнопку мыши, чтобы включить регулировку громкости колесиком прокрутки",
-						"label": "Включить удержание щелчка правой кнопки"
+						"title": "Удерживайте правую кнопку мыши, чтобы включить управление громкостью с помощью колеса прокрутки",
+						"label": "Включить при удержании правой кнопки мыши"
diff --git a/release.config.cjs b/release.config.cjs
index e1bd9ed8..3df1b2ce 100644
--- a/release.config.cjs
+++ b/release.config.cjs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports = {
 					{ type: "translations", release: "patch" },
 						type: "refactor",
-						release: "minor"
+						release: "patch"
diff --git a/src/components/Settings/Settings.tsx b/src/components/Settings/Settings.tsx
index ab87d77b..538e7bd6 100644
--- a/src/components/Settings/Settings.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Settings/Settings.tsx
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import type { ChangeEvent, ChangeEventHandler } from "react";
 import "@/assets/styles/tailwind.css";
 import "@/components/Settings/Settings.css";
 import { useNotifications } from "@/hooks";
-import { availableLocales, type i18nInstanceType, i18nService, localeDirection, translationPercentages } from "@/src/i18n";
+import { availableLocales, type i18nInstanceType, i18nService, localeDirection, localePercentages } from "@/src/i18n";
 import { youtubePlayerSpeedRate } from "@/src/types";
 import { configurationImportSchema, defaultConfiguration as defaultSettings } from "@/src/utils/constants";
 import { cn, parseStoredValue, settingsAreDefault } from "@/src/utils/utilities";
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ async function getLanguageOptions() {
 		const response = await fetch(`${chrome.runtime.getURL("")}locales/${locale}.json`).catch((err) => console.error(err));
 		const localeData = (await response?.json()) as EnUS;
-			label: `${localeData.langName} (${translationPercentages[locale]}%)`,
+			label: `${localeData.langName} (${localePercentages[locale]}%)`,
 			value: locale
diff --git a/src/i18n/index.ts b/src/i18n/index.ts
index 75469bea..765552bd 100644
--- a/src/i18n/index.ts
+++ b/src/i18n/index.ts
@@ -2,40 +2,40 @@ import { type Resource, createInstance } from "i18next";
 import { waitForSpecificMessage } from "../utils/utilities";
 export const availableLocales = [
-	"ca-ES",
-	"cs-CZ",
-	"de-DE",
-	"en-US",
-	"es-ES",
-	"fa-IR",
-	"fr-FR",
-	"he-IL",
-	"hi-IN",
-	"it-IT",
-	"ja-JP",
-	"pl-PL",
-	"pt-BR",
-	"ru-RU",
-	"tr-TR",
-	"zh-CN"
+  "ca-ES",
+  "cs-CZ",
+  "de-DE",
+  "en-US",
+  "es-ES",
+  "fa-IR",
+  "fr-FR",
+  "he-IL",
+  "hi-IN",
+  "it-IT",
+  "ja-JP",
+  "pl-PL",
+  "pt-BR",
+  "ru-RU",
+  "tr-TR",
+  "zh-CN"
 ] as const;
-export const translationPercentages: Record<AvailableLocales, number> = {
-	"ca-ES": 0,
-	"cs-CZ": 0,
-	"de-DE": 4,
-	"en-US": 100,
-	"es-ES": 19,
-	"fa-IR": 0,
-	"fr-FR": 0,
-	"he-IL": 0,
-	"hi-IN": 0,
-	"it-IT": 0,
-	"ja-JP": 100,
-	"pl-PL": 3,
-	"pt-BR": 0,
-	"ru-RU": 100,
-	"tr-TR": 66,
-	"zh-CN": 75
+export const localePercentages: Record<AvailableLocales, number> = {
+  "en-US": 100,
+  "ca-ES": 0,
+  "cs-CZ": 0,
+  "de-DE": 97,
+  "es-ES": 19,
+  "fa-IR": 0,
+  "fr-FR": 0,
+  "he-IL": 0,
+  "hi-IN": 0,
+  "it-IT": 0,
+  "ja-JP": 100,
+  "pl-PL": 3,
+  "pt-BR": 0,
+  "ru-RU": 100,
+  "tr-TR": 66,
+  "zh-CN": 75
 export const localeDirection: Record<AvailableLocales, "ltr" | "rtl"> = {
 	"ca-ES": "ltr",
diff --git a/src/utils/updateLocalePercentages.ts b/src/utils/updateLocalePercentages.ts
index 1df32f3a..c1073193 100644
--- a/src/utils/updateLocalePercentages.ts
+++ b/src/utils/updateLocalePercentages.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ function calculateLocalePercentages() {
 			const localePercentage = calculateLocalePercentage(englishFile, localeFile);
 			localePercentages.set(locale, localePercentage);
-	localePercentages.set("en-US", 100);
 	return localePercentages;
 function updateLocalePercentageObject(code: string, updatedObject: Record<string, number>) {