Practicing and learning git commands / exploring git in this repository
git clone [repolink] to clone a repository successfully done
git add [file name ] to upload a file on git hub {adding means change is ready to commit }
git add . to uplod all fies on gihub
git commit -m "message" a mesaage which display the reason to change or what change has is perfomed {commit means change is finalized and commited to keep}
git push to upload the file in the github
git status to check the current status of file {if some change made as compared to origin repo than it shows modify status and and changes are not staged } , [ if nothing is changed than it shows branch is up to date ]
{ four types of status to be shown :- 1. untracked " new file created that git does not track ", 2. modified :- "any change is to be considered as modified", 3:- ' staged :- file is ready to commited after add command the status of fil e is change from modified to staged', 4. Unmodified :- unchanged} {after commiting if we check git status than it shows that is ahead of origin command of number of commits performed before git push}
- git push { to uplod local repo content to remote repo} (git push origin main)