First of all, run makefile. After that change in terminal's preferences encoding on ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic). Run programm "sort_by_vowel" to sort words in dictionary (input_files/words_kir.txt). Wait for minute. It have to anilise tones of information! You are able to use your own dictionary, but if should have same name and encoding ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic).
After all preparing, run main program "pulse_maker". There you will see menu. Chose, what do you want.
For example you want to make phrase by its metrical foot. Then you enter 1. Use symbol ' for accient syllable and - for syllable without accient. Symbol * should be in the end of input string. For example frase "show musto go on" belongs to the class of "''''" scheme. Frase "Intarnational championship" is equal to "--'---'---". Frase "Крашнулся миктрокэп" - to "'----'". Lets choose last scheme for example.
There is result in "#" branches: "смётка сальмонеллёз". The result converges with the original scheme. After running program suggests to continue making phrases by its metrical foot. But aslo you can make haiku. Enter 2:
Enter amount of words in each string. (Remember, that there are maximum 5 words in first and third string and 7 - in second) There is result!
Saddenly haiku is absolutely meaningless. But verse is written by haiku rule: 5-7-5!
If you no longer feel like putting together phrases by pulses and haiku by rules, enter any number instead of 1 or 2 for exit.
Don't forget to change terminal's encodind on primary!