This repository is meant as an overview, a journal and will serve its purpose for writing down assignments given to me by the class I'm following for my undergrad study. I'm currently a student at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. This repository is especially for the class Internet of Things (IoT), and for that reason I may sometimes refer in my texts to "my assigment" or "the assignment".
In this repository you will find some folders, with names like "Manual 1". These refer to one of my assignments, and in those folders I have made some README's with more information. The README's are meant as some sort of manual, on how to do certain things (in Manual 1 I'm trying to connect a NodeMCU board to the Arduino software, to light up a LED strip with my phone through WiFi). I hope you'll learn somethings from my experiences, and have a good day (or night, depending when you're reading this)!
-- Yara