🐍 Python snippets of examples, to learn things and to make task easier.
- string_import.py example to show import module from string
- classtools.py assorted class utilities and tools
- formats.py various specialized string display formatting utilities.
- mydir.py a module that lists the namespaces of other module
- mymap.py different ways of implementing map
- myzip.py different ways of implementing zip
- permute.py implemented permute
- reloadall.py transitively reload nested module
- scramble.py a iterable scrambler
- streams.py give me reader, writer and a converter
- timer.py Homegrown timing tools for function calls.
- timer2.py Homegrown timing tools for function calls.
- timer3.py Homegrown timing tools for function calls.
- classtree.py Climb inheritance tree using namespace links, displaying higher superclasses with indentation for height
- listinstance.py Mix-in class that provides a formatted print() or str()
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