pip3 install -r requirements.txt
-rt --rentaltype - Enter one or more rental type:
renting - na wynajem
selling - na sprzedaż
-p --propertytype - Enter one or more property types:
house - domy
flat - mieszkania
room - pokoje
plot - działki
premises - lokale użytkowe
hall - hale i magazyny
garage - garaży
-c --city - Enter one or more city names
-sp --savephotos - Use, if you want to save photos
-h, --help - Show this help message and exit
py main.py -rt renting -pt flat room -c poznan
Offer name
Offer description
Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
Geo_level (Region, Sub-region, City, District)
Characteristics (Space in m^2, Rooms num, Building type, Floor No and others)
Prise (Value, Unit, Suffix)
Features (Dishwasher, Fridge, Furniture, Oven, Stove, Washing machine, and others)
Owner (Name, Type, Phones, Avatar)
Extra (Advertiser type, Advert type, Agency)
Creation date
Last update date
Scrapper creates a '*\data' directory in the project folder. This
directory is used for storing the extracted data. Data is stored
in JSON files. The file names depend on the parameters entered
by the user.
E.g. '*\data\renting-flat-poznan.json'.
Images are stored in the '*\data' subdirectories. Subdirectory names
depend on the parameters entered by the user.
E.g. '*\data\renting-flat-poznan-img\'.
Scraper loads all pages from a category, views each page, gets
a single offer and then goes inside to collect data.
Then it goes to another offer.
Page by page.
Category by category.
If otodom.pl blocks page downloading, then scrapper appends it to the end
of the queue, to try it later.