Karma is android social app based on Firebase and built with Android Arch Components and Material Design Guidlines.
- Sign up with E-mail, Username and Password.
- Sign in with your E-mail/Username and Password.
- Check if E-mail/Username already exists.
- Setup profile with Username, First/Last name, bio and Profile picture.
- Follow and Unfollow any other user.
- Edit your profile later after sign up.
- Search for any user by username.
- Add posts with Text, Emoji with/without Pics.
- Like/Dislike any other post.
- Comment on any post.
- Download any image from posts.
- Local Database (Room) for offilne posts view.
- Built with the latest Material Design Components.
- Lottie animations.
Karma uses a number of open source projects to work properly, You can find the libraries list in app/build.gradle .
Just fork/clone the project and add your Firebase new project's google-service.json into /app folder.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- Chat (Still not available yet).
- Search (Search works by username only because of firebase's API limitation).
- Add Chat
- Add Night Mode
- Alot of new features