A repository for Advances Mechatronics (ME433) Homeworks
HW2 - Digital Signal Processing.
In this assignment I did some basic digital signal processing.
To run this assignment's code, get into the assignment's repo and runpython code/<file-name>.py --csv data/<data-name>.csv
HW3 - Lab kit assembling.
In this assignment, I assembled the lab kit. -
HW4 - Build and program a PIC circuit.
In this assignment, I built and tested the 3.3V regulator circuit, built the necessary connections for the PIC32MX170F256B, and Wrote a short program to test the PIC circuit.
HW5 - UART to USB communication.
In this assignment, I added the Adafruit CP2104 Friend USB to UART converter to communicate with the computer.
HW6 - Design a PCB in Eagle.
In this assignment, I built the system's circuit diagram and designed a PCB in Eagle.
HW7 - Output waveforms using an SPI DAC.
In this assignment I used the MCP4912 to generate a 2Hz sine wave and a 1Hz triangle wave. -
HW8 - Build the I2C IO expander.
In this assignment, I added the MCP23017 (A large DIP chip that gives you 16 more general purpose IO pins) to the board, to gain 14 controllable pins.
HW9 - ST7789 Display.
In this assignment, I added an LCD screen (ST7789).
HW10 - Set the color of 4 LEDs.
In this assignment, I added a little color to our circuit and used some WS2812B addressable color LEDs.
HW11 - IMU.
In this assignment, I added an IMU to calculate acceleration (accelerometer) and angular velocity (gyroscopic) data about the X, Y, and Z axes with 16 bit resolution, with a variety of sensitivities.
- HW16 - Tech Cup Prep.
In this assignment, I maked a bracket to hold the brushed DC gearmotor to the PCB.
- HW16 - Tech Cup Prep.