A FastMCP server implementation for the Semantic Scholar API, providing comprehensive access to academic paper data, author information, and citation networks.
Paper Search & Discovery
- Full-text search with advanced filtering
- Title-based paper matching
- Paper recommendations (single and multi-paper)
- Batch paper details retrieval
- Advanced search with ranking strategies
Citation Analysis
- Citation network exploration
- Reference tracking
- Citation context and influence analysis
Author Information
- Author search and profile details
- Publication history
- Batch author details retrieval
Advanced Features
- Complex search with multiple ranking strategies
- Customizable field selection
- Efficient batch operations
- Rate limiting compliance
- Support for both authenticated and unauthenticated access
- Graceful shutdown and error handling
- Connection pooling and resource management
- Python 3.8+
- FastMCP framework
- Environment variable for API key (optional)
To install Semantic Scholar MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:
npx -y @smithery/cli install semantic-scholar-fastmcp-mcp-server --client claude
Install using FastMCP:
fastmcp install semantic-scholar-server.py --name "Semantic Scholar" -e SEMANTIC_SCHOLAR_API_KEY=your-api-key
parameter is optional. If not provided, the server will use unauthenticated access with lower rate limits.
: Your Semantic Scholar API key (optional)- Get your key from Semantic Scholar API
- If not provided, the server will use unauthenticated access
The server automatically adjusts to the appropriate rate limits:
With API Key:
- Search, batch and recommendation endpoints: 1 request per second
- Other endpoints: 10 requests per second
Without API Key:
- All endpoints: 100 requests per 5 minutes
- Longer timeouts for requests
Note: All tools are aligned with the official Semantic Scholar API documentation. Please refer to the official documentation for detailed field specifications and the latest updates.
: Search for papers using relevance ranking- Supports comprehensive query parameters including year range and citation count filters
- Returns paginated results with customizable fields
: Bulk paper search with sorting options- Similar to relevance search but optimized for larger result sets
- Supports sorting by citation count, publication date, etc.
: Find papers by exact title match- Useful for finding specific papers when you know the title
- Returns detailed paper information with customizable fields
: Get comprehensive details about a specific paper- Accepts various paper ID formats (S2 ID, DOI, ArXiv, etc.)
- Returns detailed paper metadata with nested field support
: Efficiently retrieve details for multiple papers- Accepts up to 1000 paper IDs per request
- Supports the same ID formats and fields as single paper details
: Get papers that cite a specific paper- Returns paginated list of citing papers
- Includes citation context when available
- Supports field customization and sorting
: Get papers referenced by a specific paper- Returns paginated list of referenced papers
- Includes reference context when available
- Supports field customization and sorting
: Search for authors by name- Returns paginated results with customizable fields
- Includes affiliations and publication counts
: Get detailed information about an author- Returns comprehensive author metadata
- Includes metrics like h-index and citation counts
: Get papers written by an author- Returns paginated list of author's publications
- Supports field customization and sorting
: Get details for multiple authors- Efficiently retrieve information for up to 1000 authors
- Returns the same fields as single author details
: Get recommendations based on a single paper- Returns similar papers based on content and citation patterns
- Supports field customization for recommended papers
: Get recommendations based on multiple papers- Accepts positive and negative example papers
- Returns papers similar to positive examples and dissimilar to negative ones
results = await paper_relevance_search(
query="machine learning",
fields=["title", "abstract", "authors"]
# Single paper recommendation
recommendations = await paper_recommendations_single(
# Multi-paper recommendation
recommendations = await paper_recommendations_multi(
positive_paper_ids=["649def34f8be52c8b66281af98ae884c09aef38b", "ARXIV:2106.15928"],
# Get details for multiple papers
papers = await paper_batch_details(
paper_ids=["649def34f8be52c8b66281af98ae884c09aef38b", "ARXIV:2106.15928"],
# Get details for multiple authors
authors = await author_batch_details(
author_ids=["1741101", "1780531"],
The server provides standardized error responses:
"error": {
"type": "error_type", # rate_limit, api_error, validation, timeout
"message": "Error description",
"details": {
# Additional context
"authenticated": true/false # Indicates if request was authenticated