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PPL join command


JOIN command combines two datasets together. The left side could be an index or results from a piped commands, the right side could be either an index or a subquery.


[joinType] join [leftAlias] [rightAlias] [joinHints] on <joinCriteria> <right-dataset>


  • Optional
  • Description: The type of join to perform. The default is INNER if not specified.


  • Syntax: left = <leftAlias>
  • Optional
  • Description: The subquery alias to use with the left join side, to avoid ambiguous naming.


  • Syntax: right = <rightAlias>
  • Optional
  • Description: The subquery alias to use with the right join side, to avoid ambiguous naming.


  • Syntax: [hint.left.key1 = value1 hint.right.key2 = value2]
  • Optional
  • Description: Zero or more space-separated join hints in the form of Key = Value. The key must start with hint.left. or hint.right.


  • Syntax: <expression>
  • Required
  • Description: The syntax starts with ON. It could be any comparison expression. Generally, the join criteria looks like <leftAlias>.<leftField>=<rightAlias>.<rightField>. For example: = If the join criteria contains multiple conditions, you can specify AND and OR operator between each comparison expression. For example, = AND = AND (r.age > 65 OR r.age < 18).


  • Required
  • Description: Right dataset could be either an index or a subquery with/without alias.

Example 1: two indices join

PPL query:

os> source=customer | join ON c_custkey = o_custkey orders
    | fields c_custkey, c_nationkey, c_mktsegment, o_orderkey, o_orderstatus, o_totalprice | head 10
fetched rows / total rows = 10/10
| c_custkey| c_nationkey | c_mktsegment| o_orderkey | o_orderstatus | o_totalprice|
| 36901    | 13          | AUTOMOBILE  | 1          | O             | 173665.47   |
| 78002    | 10          | AUTOMOBILE  | 2          | O             | 46929.18    |
| 123314   | 15          | MACHINERY   | 3          | F             | 193846.25   |
| 136777   | 10          | HOUSEHOLD   | 4          | O             | 32151.78    |
| 44485    | 20          | FURNITURE   | 5          | F             | 144659.2    |
| 55624    | 7           | AUTOMOBILE  | 6          | F             | 58749.59    |
| 39136    | 5           | FURNITURE   | 7          | O             | 252004.18   |
| 130057   | 9           | FURNITURE   | 32         | O             | 208660.75   |
| 66958    | 18          | MACHINERY   | 33         | F             | 163243.98   |
| 61001    | 3           | FURNITURE   | 34         | O             | 58949.67    |

Example 2: three indices join

PPL query:

os> source=customer | join ON c_custkey = o_custkey orders | join ON c_nationkey = n_nationkey nation
    | fields c_custkey, c_mktsegment, o_orderkey, o_orderstatus, o_totalprice, n_name | head 10
fetched rows / total rows = 10/10
| c_custkey| c_mktsegment| o_orderkey | o_orderstatus | o_totalprice| n_name       |
| 36901    | AUTOMOBILE  | 1          | O             | 173665.47   | JORDAN       |
| 78002    | AUTOMOBILE  | 2          | O             | 46929.18    | IRAN         |
| 123314   | MACHINERY   | 3          | F             | 193846.25   | MOROCCO      |
| 136777   | HOUSEHOLD   | 4          | O             | 32151.78    | IRAN         |
| 44485    | FURNITURE   | 5          | F             | 144659.2    | SAUDI ARABIA |
| 55624    | AUTOMOBILE  | 6          | F             | 58749.59    | GERMANY      |
| 39136    | FURNITURE   | 7          | O             | 252004.18   | ETHIOPIA     |
| 130057   | FURNITURE   | 32         | O             | 208660.75   | INDONESIA    |
| 66958    | MACHINERY   | 33         | F             | 163243.98   | CHINA        |
| 61001    | FURNITURE   | 34         | O             | 58949.67    | CANADA       |

Example 3: join a subquery in right side

PPL query:

os>source=supplier| join right = revenue0 ON s_suppkey = supplier_no
       source=lineitem | where l_shipdate >= date('1996-01-01') AND l_shipdate < date_add(date('1996-01-01'), interval 3 month)
       | eval supplier_no = l_suppkey | stats sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as total_revenue by supplier_no
   | fields s_name, s_phone, total_revenue, supplier_no | head 10
fetched rows / total rows = 10/10
| s_name              | s_phone        | total_revenue     | supplier_no |
| Supplier#000007747  | 24-911-546-3505| 636204.0279       | 7747        |
| Supplier#000007748  | 29-535-184-2277| 538311.8099       | 7748        |
| Supplier#000007749  | 18-225-478-7489| 743462.4473000001 | 7749        |
| Supplier#000007750  | 28-680-484-7044| 616828.2220999999 | 7750        |
| Supplier#000007751  | 20-990-606-7343| 1092975.1925      | 7751        |
| Supplier#000007752  | 12-936-258-6650| 1090399.9666      | 7752        |
| Supplier#000007753  | 22-394-329-1153| 777130.7457000001 | 7753        |
| Supplier#000007754  | 26-941-591-5320| 866600.0501       | 7754        |
| Supplier#000007755  | 32-138-467-4225| 702256.7030000001 | 7755        |
| Supplier#000007756  | 29-860-205-8019| 1304979.0511999999| 7756        |

Example 4: complex example in OTEL


There will be at least 2 indices, otel-v1-apm-span-* (large) and otel-v1-apm-service-map (small).

Relevant fields from indices:


  • traceId - A unique identifier for a trace. All spans from the same trace share the same traceId.
  • spanId - A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created.
  • parentSpanId - The spanId of this span's parent span. If this is a root span, then this field must be empty.
  • durationInNanos - Difference in nanoseconds between startTime and endTime. (this is latency in UI)
  • serviceName - The resource from the span originates.
  • traceGroup - The name of the trace's root span.


  • serviceName - The name of the service which emitted the span.
  • destination.domain - The serviceName of the service being called by this client.
  • destination.resource - The span name (API, operation, etc.) being called by this client.
  • target.domain - The serviceName of the service being called by a client.
  • target.resource - The span name (API, operation, etc.) being called by a client.
  • traceGroupName - The top-level span name which started the request chain.

Full schemas are defined in data-prepper repo: otel-v1-apm-span-*, otel-v1-apm-service-map


For each service, join span index on service map index to calculate metrics under different type of filters.


This sample query calculates latency when filtered by trace group client_cancel_order for the order service. I only have a subquery example, don't have the join version of the query.

PPL query:

| WHERE serviceName = 'order'
| JOIN left=t1 right=t2
    ON t1.traceId = t2.traceId AND t2.serviceName = 'order'
    otel-v1-apm-span-000001 // self inner join
| RENAME s_name as
| RENAME s_parentSpanId as t1.parentSpanId
| RENAME s_durationInNanos as t1.durationInNanos 
| FIELDS s_name, s_parentSpanId, s_durationInNanos // reduce colunms in join
| LEFT JOIN left=s1 right=t3
    ON s_name = AND t3.serviceName = 'order' AND t3.traceGroupName = 'client_cancel_order'
| WHERE (s_parentSpanId IS NOT NULL OR (s_parentSpanId IS NULL AND s_name = 'client_cancel_order'))
| STATS avg(s_durationInNanos)

Comparison with Correlation

A primary difference between correlate and join is that both sides of correlate are tables, but both sides of join are subqueries. For example:

source = testTable1
| where country = 'Canada' OR country = 'England'
| eval cname = lower(name)
| fields cname, country, year, month
| inner join left=l right=r
    ON l.cname = AND = AND l.year = 2023 AND r.month = 4

The subquery alias l does not represent the testTable1 table itself. Instead, it represents the subquery:

source = testTable1
| where country = 'Canada' OR country = 'England'
| eval cname = lower(name)
| fields cname, country, year, month

Therefore, the condition of join must be subqueryAlias.field = subqueryAlias.field, rather than tableName.field = tableName.field as in correlate.