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Releases: Xorgon/Quadcopter-Project

End of project version

16 May 19:17
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This release marks the end of the project. It is unlikely any further work will be done on this code. The list below details things that could be fixed and improved, some of which rely on a suitable Arduino system such as the Mega (better than the Uno and Nano that we ended up using).

Things to fix/improve:

  • Change modules to use the Logger and revert logging to the main Arduino.
  • Increase serial communication baud rates.
  • Change MSP to use proper checksum verification.
  • Change to using hardware serial for MSP if available.
  • Move Autopilot activation back to the main Arduino (interrupts can be found in the SerialLogger sketch).
  • Re-enable yaw control.
  • Correctly tune the Autopilot PIDs and set correct output limits.
  • Correctly calibrate infrared sensors or replace sensor system with something more accurate.

First stable version

13 May 18:10
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This is the first stable version of the quadcopter flight computer code.


  • Yaw autopilot is disabled because ServoTimer2 doesn't seem to want to run more than 4 servos in this setup.
  • Communications baud rates are very low because higher baud rates appear to mess up the MSP communications.
  • MSP communications are sometimes unstable due to the occasional burst of erroneous values.
  • Autopilot activation has to be done on the SerialLogger logging Arduino because the interrupts on the main Arduino get all messed up for some reason.