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XS12 Functions Explained

XiozZe edited this page Feb 13, 2016 · 27 revisions


  • Green: shows stats not related to the top manager.
  • Blue: shows stats with the top manager without bonuses.
  • Red: shows stats with the top manager with bonuses.

Price (Production and Warehouses)

  • Zero Price: Price will be always set to zero
  • Prime cost: Price will be set equal to the prime cost.
  • CTIE: Price will be set to the prime cost increased by the CTIE. The upper boundary for the price is 30x IP.
  • Profit Tax: Price will be set to the prime cost increased by the CTIE and the Profit Tax. The upper boundary for the price is 30x IP.
  • 1x IP: Price will be set equal to the IP for the corresponding product
  • 30x IP: Price will be set equal to 30 times the IP for the corresponding product

Sale Policy

  • Not for sale: The policy will be always set to "Not for sale"
  • Any customer: The policy will be always set to "To any customer"
  • My company: The policy will be always set to "Only to my company"
  • My corporation: The policy will be always set to "Only to members of the corporation"

Supply (Production and Service)

  • Zero supply: The supply will be always set to zero
  • Required: For production buildings, the supply will be always set equal to the required amount. For retail buildings, the supply will be set equal to the sold amount. For service buildings, the supply will be set equal to the maximum consumption.
  • 3x stock: For production buildings, the supply will be set equal to four times the required amount minus the stock, with an upper boundary of three times the required amount. For service buildings, the supply will be set equal to four times the maximum consumption minus the stock, with an upper boundary of three times the maximum consumption.

If one or more suppliers are missing, or too many suppliers (more than one for each good) are present, all supply will be set to zero and you will receive a warning.

Supply (Retail)

  • Zero supply: The supply will be always set to zero
  • Sold: The supply will be set equal to the sold amount.
  • Sold++: The supply will be set equal to the sold amount, but when the stock is equal to the purchased amount (all stock was sold out last update) it will increase the supply order by 20%.
  • 3x stock: The supply will be set equal to four times the sold amount minus the stock, with an upper boundary of three times the sold amount.


  • Introduce researched: When a new technology is researched and therefore the price of a higher level technology is $0.00 (excluding cost of introduction), the new technology will be introduced.


  • Required equipment: Only completely broken pieces will be repaired. The quality of the equipment will always be above required, but it will reduce the quality if that is cheaper. If the quality of the equipment is below required before repairing, it will first increase the quality to required.
  • Maximal equipment: Only completely broken pieces will be repaired. The quality of the equipment will steadily increase over time, but it is capped by the Top1.

Equipment will be bought from the world market, from any supplier. Equipment functions will always take place after the technology functions.


  • Required salary: The salary will be set to let the skill match the required skill.
  • Target salary: The salary will be set to the maximum allowed by the Top1. The function uses the manager qualification without bonuses.
  • Maximum salary: The salary will be set to the maximum allowed by the Top1. The function uses the manager qualification with bonuses.

For every salary function, the lower boundary of the salary is 0.8 * city salary, and the upper boundary 500 * city salary.

Salary functions will always take place after the equipment functions.


  • Always train: When the subdivision is not in training, it will set a new training schedule of 4 days.
  • Train city salary: When the subdivision is not in training, and the current salary is higher than the city average salary, it will set a new training schedule of 4 days.

Training functions will always take place after the salary functions.

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