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Update Score Duration.qml
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Updated to v1.1.0:
New features: Write the score duration to Score Properties in a variety of different formats.
  • Loading branch information
XiaoMigros authored Jan 18, 2023
1 parent ca0dc07 commit 09bd58f
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 19 deletions.
221 changes: 202 additions & 19 deletions Score Duration.qml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,41 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import MuseScore 3.0
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
/*import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3*/
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.5
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.3

MuseScore {
menuPath: "Plugins.Score Duration"
description: qsTr("Outputs a score's total runtime in hours, minutes, and seconds.")
version: "1.0"
description: qsTr("Outputs a score's duration in hours, minutes, and seconds.")
version: "1.1.0"
requiresScore: true

Text {
id: savetext //value that gets written to tag

Text {
id: savetext1 //yes units no seconds

Text {
id: savetext2 //no units no seconds (YouTube thumbnail format)

Text {
id: savetext3 // yes units yes seconds (dur + s)

Text {
id: savetext4 // no units yes seconds (dur)

onRun: {
var score = curScore;
var dur = score.duration;
//console.log("configured! now calculating...")
//console.log("all set!")

//time calculation for scores < 3600s
var dursec = dur % 60
Expand All @@ -25,33 +46,195 @@ MuseScore {
var durmin2 = durmin % 60
var durh = (durmin-durmin2)/60
//sends results to user window and activates it
console.log ("Calculated score duration: " + durh + " h, " + durmin2 + " min, " + dursec + " s (" + dur + " s)")
durationDialog.text = ("Your score '" + score.title + "' is " + durh + " hours, " + durmin2 + " minutes, and " + dursec + " seconds long (" + dur + " seconds).")
console.log ("Calculated score duration: " + durh + " h, " + durmin2 + " min, " + dursec + " s. (" + dur + " s).")
ddtext.text = ("Your score '" + score.title + "' is " + durh + " hours, " + durmin2 + " minutes, and " + dursec + " seconds long (" + dur + " seconds).")
savetext1.text = (durh + " h, " + durmin2 + " min, " + dursec + " s")
savetext2.text = (durh + ":" + durmin2 + ":" + dursec)
savetext3.text = (dur + " s")
savetext4.text = dur
durationDialog.visible = true;

//formatting for scores > 60s
if (durmin == 0) {
console.log ("Calculated score duration: " + dursec + "s")
durationDialog.text = ("Your score '" + score.title + "' is " + dursec + " seconds long.")
ddtext.text = ("Your score '" + score.title + "' is " + dursec + " seconds long.")
savetext1.text = (dursec + " s")
savetext2.text = ("0:" + dursec)
savetext3.text = (dursec + " s")
savetext4.text = (dursec)
durationDialog.visible = true;

//formatting for 60s =< scores < 3600s
console.log ("Calculated score duration: " + durmin + " min, " + dursec + " s (" + dur + " s)")
durationDialog.text = ("Your score '" + score.title + "' is " + durmin + " minutes and " + dursec + " seconds long (" + dur + " seconds).")
console.log ("Calculated score duration: " + durmin + " min, " + dursec + " s. (" + dur + " s).")
ddtext.text = ("Your score '" + score.title + "' is " + durmin + " minutes and " + dursec + " seconds long (" + dur + " seconds).")
savetext1.text = (durmin + " min, " + dursec + " s")
savetext2.text = (durmin + ":" + dursec)
savetext3.text = (dur + " s")
savetext4.text = dur
durationDialog.visible = true;

MessageDialog {

} //onRun

Dialog {
//window shown to end user
id: durationDialog
visible: false; //is changed once calculation has finished
title: qsTr("Score Duration");
text: durationDialog.text

standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
onAccepted: {
onAccepted: {
if (saveprop.checked == true) {
//checks for save to score properties

//tag content formatting
if (units.checked == true && seconds.checked == false) {
savetext.text = savetext1.text
if (units.checked == false && seconds.checked == false) {
savetext.text = savetext2.text
if (units.checked == true && seconds.checked == true) {
savetext.text = savetext3.text
if (units.checked == false && seconds.checked == true) {
savetext.text = savetext4.text

//checks for alternate tag name
if (tagname.text != "") {
console.log("Writing '" + savetext.text + "' to tag '" + tagname.text + "'.");
curScore.setMetaTag(tagname.text, savetext.text);
} else {
console.log("Writing '" + savetext.text + "' to tag 'duration'.");
curScore.setMetaTag("duration", savetext.text);
} //else
} //saveprop
} //onAccepted

/*Button {
id: ok
text: OK
x: parent.width - 10
y: - 100
}*/ //Alternate button program for switch to ApplicationWindow

Text {
id: ddtext
} //Text

ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
anchors.margins: 10 ddtext.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 10
//columns: 3 -remnant from gridlayout

RowLayout {

CheckBox {
id: saveprop
text: "Save to Score Properties"
onClicked: {
if (checked == true) {
seconds.visible = true
units.visible = true
tagnamelabel.visible = true
tagname.visible = true
} else {
units.visible = false
seconds.visible = false
tagnamelabel.visible = false
tagname. visible = false

} //on clicked
} //CheckBox

} //RowLayout

RowLayout {
spacing: 20

CheckBox {
id: units
visible: false;
checked: true;
text: "Save Units"
//if (! checked) {}
} //CheckBox

CheckBox {
id: seconds
//anchors.left: units.right + 20;
visible: false;
checked: false;
text: "Seconds only"
//if (! checked) {}
} //CheckBox

} //RowLayout

RowLayout {

Label {
id: tagnamelabel
visible: false
text: "TagName: "
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
} //Label

TextField {
id: tagname
visible: false
placeholderText: "duration"
Keys.onReturnPressed: {
//copied from the button, theres probably an easier way to do this by using a non standardButton

if (saveprop.checked == true) {
//checks for save to score properties

//tag content formatting
if (units.checked == true && seconds.checked == false) {
savetext.text = savetext1.text
if (units.checked == false && seconds.checked == false) {
savetext.text = savetext2.text
if (units.checked == true && seconds.checked == true) {
savetext.text = savetext3.text
if (units.checked == false && seconds.checked == true) {
savetext.text = savetext4.text

//checks for alternate tag name
if (tagname.text != "") {
console.log("Writing '" + savetext.text + "' to tag '" + tagname.text + "'.");
curScore.setMetaTag(tagname.text, savetext.text);
} else {
console.log("Writing '" + savetext.text + "' to tag 'duration'.");
curScore.setMetaTag("duration", savetext.text);
} //else
} //saveprop

} //onReturnPressed

} //Textfield

} //RowLayout


} //Dialog

} //Musescore

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