3d printed modular quick-release adjustable and removable mount ecosystem for iHSV57, 57AIM, 42AIM, NEMA23 motors. Intended for use with OSSM. 4040/3030 extrusion, flat mount, or clamping base.
Stress tested to 50 ft-lb without grip being compromised.
- 4 degree precision quick-adjustable rotation
- Motor can be quickly removed from mount for storage or use in another base
- Selection of bases for different use cases
- Extrusion Top Mount
- (Extrusion agnostic, but was designed for as small as 3030)
- Quick Clamp Ratchet + 3030 Extrusion Mount
- (This mount is the reason behind the whole project)
- Double Hinge Folding Mount
- (Folds flat for easier frame storage, e.g. sliding under bed)
- (FUTURE) Fully printed Tabletop Clamp
- (FUTURE) PitClamp-As-Hinges
- (FUTURE) Pneumatic SC40 Cylinder Pump
- Extrusion Top Mount
- (FUTURE) Relocatable OSSM Reference Board v2
- (FUTURE)(Optional) Capacitor located on motor for solder-less pre-v2.3 board compatability
- Default OSSM (57AIM and iHSV)
- SpockAroundTheClock's Compact Motor Head (42AIM)
57AIM - 57AIM15, 57AIM30
iHSV57 - 100w, 140w, 180w
42AIM - 42AIM15, 42AIM30
The entire project is intended for:
- 0.4mm nozzle (Wider should not cause problems)
- 0.2mm layer height (Necessary for some built-in helper features)
- Standard strength (5 wall) profile
- 15% gyroid or crosshatch infill
All parts tested in PLA and PETG
Supports required for:
- PitClamp Mini - Common - Handle
- PitClamp Mini - Base - Standard - Lower
- PitClamp Mini - Common - Upper
- PitClamp Mini - Ring - 57AIM
- PitClamp Mini - Ring - iHSV57
Optional accent color for logo.
Requires AMS, just paint bucket the flush lettering faces:
Motor Rings:
- 42AIM Motor Ring: 100%
- 57AIM Motor Ring: 100%
- iHSV57 Motor Ring: 100%
- Extrusion Adapter Ring: 100%
Clamping Components:
- Upper Clamp: 100%
- Handle: 100%
- Dogbones: 100%
- 4040/3030 Extrusion Base: 100%
- (Experimental) Lower Clamp Folding Base: 100%
- Quick Clamp Tabletop Base: 100%
- 3d Printed Tabletop Base: 20%
- (Experimental) Side Mounted PitClamp Mini Hinge Pair: 80%
- Pneumatic SC40 Cylinder Pump Base: 20%
Relocatable Reference Board:
- Reference Board Case: 75%
- Reference Board 4040 Bracket: 90%
- 42AIM Motor Plug Tidy w/ Capacitor: 75%
- 57AIM Motor Plug Tidy w/o Capacitor: 0%
Rail Components:
- Screwcap Mini Tensioner: 100%
- Mini End Effector: 100%
- XL End Effector: 100%
- Support added for 42AIM motor
- Motor ring diameter reduced by 15%
- Overall filament required reduced by over 25%
- Clamp rotational grip strength increased
- Motor ring is now reversible in the mount
- Clamp "helper" added to reduce adjustment noise/clunkyness
- Rear hinge pin is no longer a printed piece
- Print clarity improved (and optional-default-none) for first and last layer "PitClamp Mini" & "armpitMFG" branding
These bases are being reworked for the PitClamp Mini form factor