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The Elder Scrolls Online addon that provides unlimited Friends and Villains list with UI and additional features.


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Xeloses' Contacts

License: GNU GPL v3

Change log: read

Addon page at ESOUI: link


Xeloses' Contacts is an Elder Scrolls Online addon that provides unlimited Friends and Villains list with UI and extended features.

This addon works with account names, not character names, so no matter which character your contacts loggen in, they are still be accessible!

You can open Contacts window using one of the following ways:

  • hotkey (setup it in addons keybinds),
  • button in main menu ("Extended Journal" button),
  • slash command (see below).

To add player to Contacts you can use:

  • context menu at:
    • Friends list window,
    • Ignored players list window,
    • Group window,
    • Guild roster window,
    • chat links;
  • hotkey (setup it in addons keybinds) to add player under your reticle;
  • slash command (see below).


  • unlimited Friends and Villains list:
    • lists are server-wide (shared between all accounts and characters on the server);
  • text notes for Friends and Villains;
  • groups for Friends and Villains to split lists:
    • 5 predefined groups for Friends and 5 for Villains;
    • up to 40 custom groups for Friends and Villains (up to 20 per category);
    • customizable group names and icons;
  • add players to Contacts using context menu
    • at Friends list window,
    • at Group window,
    • at Guild roster window,
    • on chat links:
      • by default the game provides account names only for chat links of guildmates and ingame friends;
      • this addon uses chat caching to provide account names for last N (50..500, configurable in addon settings) chat messages;
      • addon stores only character names and account IDs in the cache, no tracking of message text;
      • chat caching can be disabled in settings (enabled by default).
  • add player under reticle to Contacts;
  • hide chat messages from Villains (configurable):
    • configure groups of Villains to hide chat messages from;
    • configure chat channels where messages from selected groups of Villains should be hidden;
  • auto decline friend and group invites from Villains (optional);
  • display a marker near the reticle when targeting Friends or Villains:
    • display icon and group name of targeted Friend or Villain;
    • may also display marker for guildmates, ESO ingame friends, ignored players (optional);
    • option to disable target scanning in combat, in PvP-zones, in group dungeons/arenas, in Trials;
  • notifications:
    • notification when joining group with Villain (optional);
    • notification when Villain joins your group (optional);
    • notification when Villain invites you to group (optional);
    • notification when Villain sends you a friend request (optional);
    • confirmation dialog when adding Villain to ESO ingame Friends (optional);
  • import contacts from ingame Friends and Ignored list (including their correspondend notes).


  • Contacts window with Friends and Villains list (see screenshots);
  • filter list by group;
  • search contacts by account name and personal note;
  • Whisper, Group invite, Send mail, Visit house and Teleport to contact from Contacts window:
    • Whisper and Group invite are available only for friendly Contacts (we don't want to talk or play with Villains, yeah?);
    • teleportation works only for ingame friends, guildmates and teammates (game API limitation).

Slash commands:

  • /contacts - open Contacts window;
  • /contacts config - open addon settings.

With LibSlashCommander installed additional command options can be used:

  • /contacts new - show new contact dialog;
  • /contacts add @account_name [optional personal note] - add @account_name to Contacts.


Required libraries:


Language support

I'm sorry for my english, its not my native language and I didn't learn it at schooll/college, so I can make some mistakes.

If you wanna help with translation feel free to contact me here on ESOUI or at GitHub. Any help in the translation is welcome!

Known issues

  • No gamepad support atm.
  • pChat with a specific configuration creates chat links with account name before character name, those links can't be processed properly by addon.

Reporting an issue:

Before you report something, please make sure you have installed the latest version of all your addons (include libraries) and check the comment section + GitHub issues section for known issues.

Please cover the following points in your report:

  1. How to reproduce an issue, which steps/conditions did you take to set to issue?
  2. What actually happened?
  3. What were you trying to do? Which steps did you take?
  4. Can you reproduce it a second time after logging out and in again (or /reloadui)?

Screenshots are also very useful to figure out what is going wrong.


If you like my work you can support me by sending some thanking gift or in-game gold to @Savaoth on EU server. Feel free to contact me via ingame mail to check which DLC I don't own :)

Roadmap / Future plans

[!] No guarantees or time frames when it will be implemented.

  • Add player to contacts using context menu on group/raid frames.
  • Show contact status (online/afk/offline) in Contacts window.
  • Mark Friends and Villains in group window.
  • Backup/export contacts.
  • LibChatMenuButton integration.
  • OdySupportIcons integration.
  • Import contacts from Namez addon.


This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.


The Elder Scrolls Online addon that provides unlimited Friends and Villains list with UI and additional features.






