- 给不想搭建环境 并且害怕软件安全性的你一个解决方案
- 如果你想使用云函数,请务必开放80,443端口
映射目录时如果teamserver 存在将被覆盖- 一般情况下,为了防止证书指纹信息是通用的被识别,导致服务器被攻击,或者流量中含有很明显的指纹特征,建议使用自己的证书
- 容器的默认启动项为:,其中 arg 部分用于自定义 agent 启动方式 以及 CobaltStrike.jar
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 \ -Dcobaltstrike.server_port="${server_port}" \ -Dcobaltstrike.server_bindto= \ -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/app/cobaltstrike.store \ -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword="${passwd}" \ -XX:+AggressiveHeap -XX:+UseParallelGC \ -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Duser.language=UTF-8 \ -server "${start_args}" "${server_ip}" "${passwd}" Default: start_args='-classpath /app/cobaltstrike.jar \ -javaagent:CSAgent.jar=f38eb3d1a335b252b58bc2acde81b542 \ server.TeamServer'
- 别忘记修改可执行权限
chmod +x teamserver
docker run -it \
--name cs \
-e "passwd=e9PrFYtrPFD2U" \
-e "server_ip=" \
-e "server_port=33009" \
-e "alias_name=Bing Wallpaper" \
-e "d_name=CN=www.microsoft.com, OU=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US" \
-e 'start_args=-server -classpath /app/cobaltstrike.jar -javaagent:CSAgent.jar=f38eb3d1a335b252b58bc2acde81b542 server.TeamServer' \
-p 443:443 \
-p 443:443/udp \
-p 80:80 \
-p 33009:33009 \
-p 33009:33009/udp \
-v /Users/hacker/Documents/CobaltStrike:/app \
--restart=always \
-passwd : password
- server_ip : server ip
- server_port : server port
- alias_name : self-signed certificate common name
- d_name : self-signed certificate organization information
- start_args : custom server startup parameters
- 443 : HTTPS cloud function/CDN mandatory port
- 80 : http cloud function/CDN mandatory port
- 33009 : Remote management connection port
➜ /Users/hacker/Documents ✗ tree
└─ CobaltStrike
├─ CSAgent.jar
├─ cobaltstrike.jar
├─ teamserver
├─ resources
│ ├─ bdetails.txt
│ ├─ bhelp.txt
│ └─ translation.txt
├─ scripts
│ └─ default.cna
├─ teamserver
└─ third-party
├─ README.winvnc.txt
├─ winvnc.x64.dll
└─ winvnc.x86.dll
5 directories, 13 files
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