Trial Division based on the smallest positive divisor of any positive integer must be prime .
The Simplest factoring algorithm is the trial division method , which tries all the possible division of n to obtain it's complete prime number factorization Where
Proof :
let a is smallest positive divisor of n and a is not prime (1)
i.e : ah = n for some integer h
∴ we will have that a must be composite number
i.e : there exist s,r integers such that s,r > 1 and a = sr (2)
i.e : n = (sr)h = s(rh)
i.e : s is also divides n [n | s] (3)
from (1) , (3) we can see that a is not smallest positive divisor so there is a contradiction
Truth we have that the smallest positive divisor of any positive integer must be prime.
End of Proof
This Algorithm factorize an integer n where n > 1
[1] input n and set t = 0 , k = 2
[2] if n = 1 Then :
go to [5]
[3] q = n / k and r = n % k
if r ≠ 0 Then :
go to [4]
t = t+1
pt = k
n = q
go to [2]
[4] if q greater than k , then :
k = k + 1 go to [3]
t = t+1
pt = n
[5] Exit
We Can use This Algorithm to check if n is prime or not By trying all possible number less than square root n and greater than 1 ; 2 <= i < √n
i = 2 , k = √n
while i small than or equal k :
if(n % i == 0)
return Not_Prime
i += 1
return Prime