A fast, lightweight minifier and binary serializer for WGSL (WebGPU Shading Language) shaders.
- Minifies WGSL code by removing unnecessary whitespace and comments
- Renames variables to shorter forms while preserving functionality
- Serializes to a binary format for smaller file sizes
- Optional ZSTD compression
- Available as both a CLI tool and WebAssembly module
# Build from source
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/wgslpack
cd wgslpack
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
OR for Emscripten Release
emcmake cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
npm install wgslpack
# Basic minification
wgslpack ./source.wgsl -o ./dest.wgsl
# With compression
wgslpack ./source.wgsl -o ./dest.wgsl --compress
import Module from './wgslpack.js';
const WGSLPack = await Module();
const packed = WGSLPack.pack(shader_code);
const unpacked = WGSLPack.unpack(packed);
console.log('Original length:', str.length, 'Packed length:', packed.length, 'Unpacked length:', unpacked.length, 'Unpacked:', unpacked);
- CMake 3.20+
- C++23 compatible compiler
- Emscripten (for WebAssembly build)
- Function call compaction:
textureLoad(VolumetricTexture, x_414, x_415);
→textureLoad VolumetricTexture x_414 x_415
(5 bytes savings)myFunc(x_414, x_415);
→myFunc x_414 x_415E
(3 bytes savings)
- Common pattern compaction:
@group(1) @binding(12) var VolumetricDepthTexture : texture_2d<f32>;
→binding 1 12 var VolumetricDepthTexture texture_2d f32
(11 bytes savings)diagnostic(off, derivative_uniformity);
(6 bytes savings)
- Variable size optimization:
- Use single-byte indices for variables up to 255 before switching to variable size encoding
- Signal encoding scheme at file start
- Dead Store Elimination (DSE):
- Remove unnecessary temporaries and intermediate assignments
- Example:
var x_435 : bool; x_435 = (x_429 < x_395.y); x_436 = x_435;
→x_436 = (x_429 < x_395.y);
- Code Block Consolidation:
- Flatten nested control structures where possible
- Constant Folding:
- Optimization statistics reporting
- Configurable optimization levels
- Source maps for debugging
Apache License 2.0
Pull requests welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md first.