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Settings Menu Guide

Vinzuerio edited this page May 28, 2023 · 2 revisions

Quick Guide of Prop Hunt X Menu

A Quick Guide when interacting the Prop Hunt X Menu. All Settings and Gameplay Related settings are available in here.

This page was previously written on Master branch and now moved onto Wiki

Accessing The "Prop Hunt X Settings & Menu"

  1. Press [F1] button on your keyboard
  2. Click "[Prop Hunt Menu]" button
  3. The Prop Hunt Settings & Menu appeared.

How to Access Prop Hunt Menu

Table of Contents

There are some menus in Prop Hunt X Settings & Menu window:

1. Help & Guide
Contains tutorial on how to play Prop Hunt: X2Z

2. Player Settings
General player settings, contains: HUD settings, Key Binding, Languages, etc.

3. Admin Settings
General Admin settings for Prop Hunt: X. This is where all server related settings that can be configured.

4. MapVote
MapVote system configuration

5. Model Browser
Player Custom Skin browser. Note: you must set "Enable custom models for Hunters" under Admin Settings

6. Enhanced Plus Settings
Additional Settings from Enhanced Plus. This is where you can configure the Team Rotation, Team Shuffle, Unstuck and others.

7. Group & Access Settings
Group & Access Settings to allow which group(s) can access the Admin Settings Panel and Mute Options.

8. About PH:X
Shows information about Prop Hunt X Versions, Contributors, etc.

9. Player Muting
Controls player voice mute by toggling them.

10. Addons/Plugins
Addons or Plugins that loaded to Prop Hunt: X. There are Server and Client sided settings for each plugins to configure.

11. Donation Menu
This menu contains information about donation.

1. Help & Guide

Help & Guide Section

Help window was intended to show the player a tutorial on how to play Prop Hunt X2Z and introduces it's features. It also provides an additional button for showing Server's ULX Motd and Rules.

2. Player Settings

Player Settings Section

Language and Key Bindings

  • Language
    Here you can select your prefered language to use. Default is English.
    Some server will force their language to their prefered language, therefore this option may not be available.
  • Key Binding
    Here you can assign and change the Prop Hunt X2Z Default keybindings to your liking.

Player Options

Here you can control your gameplay experience such as changing the HUD behaviour, colours, etc.

  • (Button) Adjust Thirdperson View
    A button to allow you to customize & adjust your thirdperson view. Only Works on Hunters.
  • Toggle Halo effect when choosing a prop
    Toggle Glowing effect when aiming to a prop. Helpful to focus which props that you want to replicate.
  • Show Team players names' above their heads instead (and appear through wall too)
    Self Explanationary.
  • Play End round sound cue
    Play Winning, Lose, or any End Round Event music or sounds.
  • Option for Auto closing for Taunt window when double-clicking them
    Use "Double-Click and Close" feature when playing a taunt in Custom Taunt Menu.
  • Draw a line on hunters so we can see their aim in spectator mode.
    Self Explanationary.
  • Enable 'Lucky ball' or 'Devil Crystal' icon to be displayed once they are spawned
    This will draw an indicator icon when both items are spawned in game. To indicate that this item can be obtained by pressing E on them.
  • Right Click for taunt. This will disable Right-clicking on custom menu!
    Use "Right Click" (Mouse 2) button for Taunting on Prop Teams. However, this will disable a feature where you can Right-Click on Taunt List in Custom Taunt menu. This will also impact with any ability/items that owned from Devil Crystals that requires "Right Click" function.
  • Use New PH: Enhanced HUD
    Use New Customized HUD instead of Old Half-Life 2 HUD. Any indicators such as Custom Taunt Timer, Decoy indicator, and others will not be displayed if you use default Half-Life 2 HUDs.
  • Show/Hide Decoy placement helper? This will show a white dot with a text near on your crosshair.
    Toggle visibility for Decoy Placement helper that appear near on your crosshair.
  • Show/Hide Decoy marker?
    This behaviour is exactly similar like "Lucky Ball/Devil Crystal", but this is for Decoy.
  • Show Tutorial Pop-up (Only shows twice on each Prop team spawns)
    A Quick Guide for Prop Teams to show help for keybinds and features.
  • Enable Custom Crosshair
    An alternative/less "Laggy" way instead of using Halo effect when choosing Props. Functionality is almost similar like halo effects.
  • Show total alive team players bar on the top left (At least 4 Players will be shown)
    Toggle visibility to show how many team players alive remainings in active round.

3. Server Admin & Game Mode Settings

Admin & Server related settings Section

Force Language Overrides

Forced Language
Override client's & game language to use specific server language that appear on screen.
This will disable a language selection on players and instead they'll use a language whatever the server will use.

Default Player Language when first time joining to the server.
This will set to "English" as default for any new player joins to the server. This is not permanent and player can still choose any prefered language, unless Forced Serverside Language is set.

Gameplay Settings

Player Skins & Model Settings

  • Enable custom models for Hunters Allow custom player skins & models to use. This will enable "Model Browser" and lists available player models that can be used by anyone.
  • Enable custom models for Props - Make sure to enable for Hunter too. Self Explanationary, but for props. Custom models for hunter must be enable to make "Model Browser" menu to be appear.
  • Enable Player Color for Team Props
  • Enable Player Color for Team Hunters
    Self Explanationary - Make sure to enable "Enable Custom models for Hunters" too.

Taunts Settings

  • Custom & Normal Taunt Delays
    Set whether how long does custom taunt (C) and normal (F3) taunt to be played with given amount of time, in seconds.
  • Enable Auto Taunt Features (Proper Timer will be fixed on next round)
    Enable Automatic Taunting system by using F3 taunt. The timer will be fixed when new round is set.
  • Auto Taunt Delays
    Set whether how long does auto taunt to be played with given amount of time, in seconds. This should be longer than the other two taunt modes.
  • (Require Map Restart) Enable Taunt Scanner?
    Enable Taunt Scanning system by scanning any custom taunts folders, if available. By default, this will scan sound/taunts_phx/ directory.
  • Taunt Modes
    Select which taunt modes would you like to use. Mode [0] will use classic taunt system by only using F3 button. [1] will use a custom taunt menu that can be accessed through C button. [2] will use both F3 and C taunt system.

Fake Taunt & Pitch Settings

  • Enable Taunt Pitch
    Enable Taunt Pitch for Random, Custom, or Fake Taunts.
  • Maximum/Minimum acceptable range to use for Taunt Pitch.
    A minimum/maximum range (in percentage) to use for Taunt Pitch. Minimum range should be 1-99, Maximum should be 100-255.
  • Allow fake taunts to be played on random props in the map.
    Allow Fake Taunts to be played and can be only accessed through Custom Taunt C menu.
  • Maximum usage for fake taunts to be used
    Limit usage on how many times that fake taunts should be played. -1 means unlimited usage.

Decoy Settings

  • Enable Decoy Reward?
    Enable Decoy Feature and Rewards alive prop by giving a decoy. Decoy will be given Once and it always available on every round. Once the Decoy is used, you need to obtain again by surviving until round ends. Then you'll rewarded a decoy again. Note that Decoys will be rewarded after Round 2 and onwards.
  • How much health does the decoy should have. Default is 10.
    Self Explanationary. Decoy should be set between 5 to 20.

General Settings

  • Dis/Allow the use of Restricted Models (Banned Models). This does not include from Prohibited Models.
    Checked means you cannot use banned models, and vice versa.
  • Inform Unassigned/Spectators with static (notification) text advice to join the game.
    A small static text that to remind Unassigned/Spectators to join their game. Uncheck to disable this notification.
  • Allow Armor Addition for team Hunters and Props
    Allow use of Armor for both teams.
  • Enable chat notification for player join and leave?
    Self Explanationary. Set this unchecked if you prefer to use with your own Custom Chat addon.
  • Toggle Silent prop team footsteps
    Toggle Mute for Prop's footsteps. This will silence their movement and can't be heard by anyone.
  • Allow Thirdperson mode for Hunters
    Allow Thirdperson mode to be used for Hunters. This will also enable their preferred thirdperson view settings.
  • Allow Thirdperson mode to use Server's Desired Camera Position (Disallow player custom position)
    Completely disable player's prefered settings and use from Server's prefered instead. To adjust the camera settings, there are 3 Desired camera settings that you can adjust.
  • Should grenades will be given near round end?
    Give SMG Grenades (for Hunters) when Round is about to end soon. If yes, Set how long in seconds for the grenade that should be given.
  • Time in seconds to give grenades before Round Ends.
    This is typically set between 10 to 30 seconds before the round ends. For example: If round lenght is 5 seconds, the grenades will be given at 4:45 if you set "15 Seconds" before the round ends.
  • Enable Fall Damage
    Checked means Fall Damage is enabled for Both Teams. Unchecked means you're gained no fall damage. Stronk.
  • Enable 'Realistic' Fall Damage
    If Fall Damage is Enabled, use the Realistic Fall Damage instead.
  • Display 'Prop Rotation' notification on every Prop Spawns
    Display a notice if Prop Rotation is enabled or not.
  • Enable Prop Camera collision to the wall
    Self Explanationary. Unset this if you prefer "Classic" Prop Hunt camera style that goes through the wall. Enable Wallhacking for Props.
  • Enable Freeze Cam features for team props
    Enable Freeze Camera TF2/CSGO-Like style.
  • Enable Freeze Cam features for team hunters
    Enable Freeze Camera but for Hunters. Only occurs if you get killed by Last Prop Standing/Normal Occurance by Prop Players.
  • Enable Prop collide on each other prop players
    Toggle Collision on each other prop players. Disabling this means Enable the collision and may cause some unwanted stuck with other player props.
  • Swap team every round (Keep this remain checked)
    Disabling means team will stay on their own forever.
  • Hunter Health Penalty
    Penalty if Hunter shoots on a Non-Player Prop.
  • Hunter Kill Bonus
    Bonus Health Point if Hunter shoots on a Player Prop.
  • Hunter SMG Grenades
    SMG Grenade Counts to be given to hunter. Setting to 0 means disable completely and also "SMG Grenade Near Round End" too.
  • (Require Map Restart) Total Game Time
    Total Game Lenght Time. By Default is 30 Minutes.
  • Hunter blindlock time
    Time in seconds for Hunter's blindfold time. Default is 30 Seconds.
  • (Require Map Restart) Game round time
    Time in seconds for Active Round time. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  • (Require Map Restart) Total game Rounds per Map
    Total Active Rounds. Default is 10.
  • Allow Lucky Balls Features to be spawned on breakable props
    Allow spawning of Lucky Balls. Chances are 8% to be spawned.
  • Allow Devil Balls Features to be spawned when hunter dies
    Allow spawning of Devil Balls. Always spawned when a hunter dies.
  • (Require Map Restart) Wait for Players to begin the gameplay
    Self Explanationary. Warning: This feature are still buggy if you set this on active round. Disabling this will ignore the wait system and continue as normal like in Classic Prop Hunt.
  • (Require Map Restart) Mininum Players to Wait before the game starts (default: 1 or 2)
    Self Explanationary.

Developer Sections

  • Substract/Add Prop View Offset Height by using Multiplier
    Higher/Lower Prop's View Offset. Default is 0.8.
  • (Experimental) Restrict Props Replication only when they're standing.
    Disabling this means to allow replicating object when ducking, jumping, or mid air.
  • Developer: Be Verbose
    PH:X will print every information and events verbosely through the console, as well as client's console. Useful for Debugging.
  • Enable Boundaries Check?
    Enable "Check for Rooms" before replicating an object. This helps to prevent you getting stuck with any objects/walls nearby.
  • Use new model for Bren MK II bonus weapon (Require Map Restart)
    Self Explanationary. This weapon is only obtainable through Lucky Ball.
  • Enable Player team names to appear on their screen
    Toggle Visibility of Player Team Names to appear on player HUD screen.
  • Use single Freezecam sound instead of sound list
    Unchecked means will use multiple sounds from a Freeze Cam's Configuration on sh_config.lua. Use ph_fc_cue_path text box to determine Freezecam sound path. Default is misc/freeze_cam.wav See sh_config.lua @195 (PHX.FreezeCamSounds) to add more freezecam sounds.
  • Use Legacy Model List
    Determine on How Model Browser will list the models. [0] = All Playermodels (by using player_manager.AddValidModel()) or [1] = Use Legacy List from list.Get('PlayerOptionsModel'). You might have to create a custom List if you're using List (1) to make them appears on Model Browser menu.
  • Additional Jump Power multiplier for Props
    Set a Multiplier How High for Props to jump. Default is 1.5. This is caused due to Player's Hull difference that causes the jump height become decreased for small props.
  • Additional Jump Power multiplier for Hunters
    Same as above, but for Hunters. Default is 1.
  • Developer: Enable Customized Prop Entities Model Hull/Boundaries (OBB) Modifier from config data
    Enable a overrides for Entities' OBB Hulls/Boundaries (Mins/Max). This helps to fix any taller or wider props to use a fixed Player-sized Hulls for example.
  • Developer: Reload OBB Modifier data every round restarts
    This will Reload OBB modifier data on every round starts. Only recommended while used for Testing.

Usable Prop Entity Types

  • Type of Entities to use for Prop to Replicate
    Types can be: 1: Physics Only, 2: Physics & Dynamics, 3: Almost Anything inc. Ragdolls, 4: Custom Entities. This will use a configuration from sh_config.lua @31 (PHX.CVARUseAbleEnts)
  • Notify Props about entities that cannot be replicated by pressing E.
    Only works if ph_usable_prop_type is set to 3 or 4. This will shows a message: "Press [E] to interact, [Click] to replicate object" on their center screen.

PH:X Experimental Settings

  • Add HL: Alyx Combine model support
    Add support for using Half-Life Alyx Combine model support. This is ONLY available if you're subscribed with the following addons:
    This is COMPLETELY optional.
  • [Experimental] Allow to use Pitch Rotation for Props.
    This feature is currently work in progress and may be buggy. Does not applies to any Ragdoll/Human Prop Types. This feature is playable but not 100% perfect yet.
  • Use new Chat Box (eChat)
    This is temporary replacement. If you have any custom chat box addons already, leave this remain unchecked.
  • New Chat Box Position: Substract Height (Y) Position by N pixels.
    Substract Height/Y Position by given amount of N pixels. Default is 50 or 72 pixels.
  • Allow Respawn on Blind Time
    Allow Anyone to Respawn on Blind Time. This is intended for anyone especially who get killed by Gravity on Round Start.
  • Allow Respawn on Blind Time with specific Team Only
    Allow Only on specific team to be respawned. [0] = Everyone, [1] = Hunters, [2] = Props.
  • Percentage of Blind Time which allows to respawn
    Amount in Percentage when someone is allowed to respawn during the blind time. Default is 0.75 (Meaning that 75% * 30 Seconds Blind Time = 22.5 Seconds to be allowed to spawn, for example.)
  • Allow Respawn on Blind Time when Assigning to Spectator Team
    Allow Respawn when someone switch team from Spectator to Specific Team.
  • Allow Respawn on Blind Time when Assigning to Different Team
    Allow Respawn on Blind Time when Assigning Directly from team to another. This is not recommended to turn this on unless you know what you're doing.
  • Force players to even out teams upon joining
    Force players to join on any full team.
  • Automatically even out teams at the start of a round (Team Balance)
    Even out teams when round start and balance them.
  • Use Team Switch limitter
    Force a limit on how many team changes for a player can use. This helps to prevent props player to assign to hunter teams repeatedly. Set to -1 to disable this feature.
  • Allow pick up of small props?
    Allow any specific teams to pick up objects. [0] = Dont Allow, [1] Hunters Only, [2] Props Only, [3] Allow Everyone.

4. MapVote Settings

MapVote Section

Here you can configure the Integrated MapVote system.

MapVote Settings

  • Allow Current map to be Voted
    Allow current map to be voted or not.
  • Enable map Cooldown
    Cooldowns (Hide) the map in X map changes until the map reapear on the list again.
  • Use map listing from ULX Mapvote?
    Use a map listing from ULX or not. If not, a default prefixed-list from maps/*.bsp will be used instead.
  • Number of Maps to be shown in MapVote.
    Self Explanationary.
  • Time in Seconds for default mapvote when voting.
    Vote Time before the map is voted for change. Default is 28 seconds.
  • Map changes needed for a map to reappear
    How many X times for a cooldown maps reapear to the list.
  • How many players required to use RTV (Rock the Vote)
    Self Explanationary. Default is 3.

You can use mv_start and mv_stop to Trigger and Stop MapVote system.
Or use ulx map_vote or ulx unmap_vote if you use ULX Admin Mod.

5. Player Skins & Model Browser

Model Settings

This section allows you to set your custom player models provided from the server and you can choose anything from here.


  • To Enable the Player Model Browser, An Admin must set the "Enable custom models for Hunters" from Admin Settings to enable this feature. Otherwise it will be disabled.
  • Server may have it disabled and therefore you may unable to use custom skins. This probably intended for anyone who wants to use a skin from Pointshop instead.
  • If you are setting up for props as well, make sure the "Enable custom models for Props" is enabled.

6. Enhanced Plus Settings

Enhanced Plus Section

Here you can configure any additional settings such as Integrated Unstuck, Team Rotation, and others related settings from Enhanced Plus.

Unstuck Settings

  • Toggle Enable/Disable Built-in unstuck feature. If you use an unstuck addon, disable this.
    Self Explanationary. However if you prefer to use external unstuck addon, you may have to set this unchecked.
  • How much in seconds must pass between each unstuck attempt
    Sort of delay when success. if It's not, try again in after X seconds. Default is 5.
  • Disable last-resort unstuck teleportations to spawnpoints outside of the hiding phase
    Do not allow to find place for unstuck to the nearest spawn points after hunter is unblinded.

More Team Options & Settings

  • Use PH:X's original auto-balancing.
    The Original Team Balancing, without team rotating and so on. Enabling this Will Disable all following team-related options such as Suffle Rotation, Team Rotation, and other related settings.
  • (Starting from this point, if you disabled 'Original Auto-Balancing' option, the next options will be visible)
  • Force Spectators to play by including them when balancing teams.
    Force include every spectators to join the team when balancing team occurs.
  • Hunter Count (0 = automatic)
    A slider to use to determine how much hunters alive in active rounds. This is where you can control for example 3 Hunters vs 8 Props. Setting to 0 means automatic.
  • Prevent players from being a Hunter twice in a row (only works in suffle mode)
    Do not allow being hunter twice in a row when Suffling mode is enabled. Disable this to allow this. Note: Only Works in Suffle Mode.
  • Disable 'Shuffle mode' and Rotate Players instead.
    Rotate players instead of shuffling them.
  • Restart Rotations from the beggining
    Reset Rotations, in case if you've started them, stopped, then started again and/or current rotation does not satisfy you.
  • Force Hunter(s) to be a Prop Next time
    A list of alive hunters ready to be forced as a Prop. Double click them to apply/reset. There is also a reset button below the list. Note: Only Works in Suffle Mode.

7. Group & Access Settings

Group & Access Section

Here you can configure which group can access the 'Admin Settings' and which group to disallow Voice Muted in Player Muting Section.

Do Note that User is always mute-able, while certain of default admins are not mute-able. Superadmins cannot be revoked from accessing Admin Settings.

8. About PH:X

About & Info

This menu shows several information about the gamemode that installed on the server, along with the contributors and other informations.

It is important to note that you have to pay attention with the version of PH:X you are using. PH:X might often receive alot of updates and therefore you should check the updates periodically.

9. Player Mutes

Player Mutes

You can toggle mute player's voice in this section. Simply just click on the speaker icon to toggle mute or unmute.

10. Plugins


1. Prop Menu (Prop Chooser) Plugin


  • [Open Editor] Button
    Open Prop Menu Additional Model Editor which allows you to add custom models to the Prop Menu.

Common Settings

  • Enable "Prop Menu" feature
    Toggle Prop Menu feature to be available or not.
  • (Require Map Restart) Allow custom props to be added in to the Prop Menu list? Allow any custom additional props to be added to the Prop Menu list. This can be added through Prop Editor or Edited manually through data/phx_data/prop_chooser_custom/models.txt
  • (Require Map Restart) Do not include banned props into Prop Menu list? Excludes any prohibited & banned props and don't add them to prop menu list. Disabling this means it will only shows "Red" Icon indicator on prop menu meaning that you can't use them.
  • Maximum usage limit for player to use. -1 means unlimited. Self Explanationary.
  • (Require Map Restart) Limit amount of prop addition to Prop Menu list Enable Limit of Amount Prop Addition to be added to Prop Menu list.
  • Maximum amount of props that will be added to Prop Menu list. Self Explanationary, Note: This will be randomly added on each map changes. Default is 100.

Technical Settings

  • Should Prop Menu can be accessed by Console (0) or ULX (1)? Which method that Prop menu should be accessed. Any Key Binding for Opening Prop Menu that Bounds to it will respect to this setting.
  • Delay in seconds before player to use another Prop in Prop Menu Delays the usage before a player use another prop in Prop Menu to prevent spam.
  • Kick any user attempt to access Invalid Model Kick a user if they're trying to access/use Non Existing/Invalid models. If player keep retrying at Maximum Threshold, will be kicked.
  • Check for space for a room before player use another prop to prevent Stuck. Similar functionality for "Check for Room" feature. Always keep this checked to prevent any unwanted stuck.
  • (Require Map Restart) Check Entity BBox Limit before adding to Prop Menu list This function will checks to any Entity's Bounding Box Mins/Maxs (BBox) Limit before adding to Prop Menu list. This will help to reduce the hull height size for a prop.
  • BBox CollisionBound Maximum Height/Width limit. Mins will be auto-calculated. Self Explanationary. Only props that does not exceed the Maximum Height/Width BBox Limits will be added to Prop Menu list.

Server Optional Settings

  • Should Prop Menu can only be accessed by certain groups e.g. Donator? Should Prop Menu can be accessed by certain groups like Donator, Respected, and other custom Members levels?
  • Notify player on how to use Prop Menu on every round start Notify with a small chat message to remind the players on how to use Prop Menu on every round start.

-- Client Settings --


2. Last Prop Standing Plugin

Here you can configure the Last Prop Standing Plugins.

General Settings

  • Enable Last Prop Standing (LPS)
    Enable the LPS feature.
  • Weapon to give ('random' or 'name').
    Weapon that should be given for Last Prop Standing player. See "Available Weapons List" button to see available weapons to use. Use "random" so that they will be given a random weapon instead.
  • Minimum number of prop player on Team before LPS can be triggered.
    Required minimum players before LPS can be triggered. Must be >= 2 players in Prop Team. Default is 2.
  • Enable Music when LPS occurs
    Enable Music event for LPS. Require Round Restart to take effect (Only if you're disabling it when LPS occurs)
  • Should LPS Players STARTS with 100 HP? Changing to other props does not keep the health!
    Self Explanationary.
  • Should Give LPS Players an Armor? Starts with 100 AP.
    Self Explanationary, however armor will be useless if "Start with 100 HP" is disabled (It depends on how big the prop is).

Trigger Event Condition

  • Whether LPS should be started randomly. (Random Start)
    Whether Last Prop Standing should be started randomly on random round. Enabling this will override (and thus disabling) the "Delayed Start" below.
  • Should LPS be Delayed-Start after X rounds? (Delayed Start/Round Skipping)
    Whether Last Prop Standing should be started by skipping after X rounds. You have to disable Random Start to enable this.
  • If Delayed-Start enabled, increment to X rounds to trigger LPS.
    What numbers to increment to skip/delay the event. For example: If you set 2, meaning every 2 rounds skips will be triggered. (Round 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on...)


  • Show Last Prop Standing's Weapon?
    Toggle Visibility for Last Prop's Weapon. Setting this unchecked means their weapon is invisible, but the tracer and muzzleflash are still appears.
  • Draw a halo effect around the last prop?
    Draw a glowing effect for the Last Prop.
  • Draw the halo effect through walls?
    Draw a glowing effect and also visible through walls.
  • Colour for Last Prop Standing's Halo effect ('rainbow' or hex code)
    Colour for glowing effect. Can be 'rainbow' or a hex colour code. Example: #FF0000 (Red)
  • Draw a trail behind Last Prop player?
    Draw a trailing line on the Last Prop.
  • Colour for the Last Prop's trail (hex code)
    Colour for the trailing line. Hex colour code only. Example: #FFFF00 (Yellow)
  • Trail colour texture for Last Prop's player
    The Trailing Line texture to be used. Texture must be present in the game.

Weapon Settings

Weapons can be configurable to yourself with your liking. I would recommend to leave it with default settings unless if you'd like to change the Blaster Damage Settings.

-- Client Settings --

  • Play Background Music when LPS Event begin. (Only applies on next music)
    Toggle Play Background music when LPS event started. This only applies after the next music queue is played.
  • Show/Hide Halo, even server sets it.
    Whether server sets the halo effect, Toggle visibility of glowing effect for the Last Prop standing. Use this if you need to avoid FPS lag when this was enabled on Servers.

11. Donate Section

Donate Section

This section shows the Donation Link options for Prop Hunt: X Development.