This document describes the setup of Amazon Kubernetes (EKS) and Wolfram Application Server (WAS).
The following CLI tools are required to be installed on your local machine to complete the setup and installation:
Kubectl >= 1.24 -
Docker v20.10 or newer -
Docker Compose v1.28.6 or newer -
The automated configuration tool will use the following default values when building EKS and configuring WAS.
- Cluster Name: WAS
- Region: us-east-1
- AMI Instance Type: c5.2xlarge
- Disk Size: 30GB
- Node Group scaling configuration: [Minimum size: 2, Maximum size: 10, Desired size: 2]
- Kubernetes Version: 1.22
To change any of the above defaults open Source/terraform/
, modify accordingly and save file.
Prerequisite: Obtain an AWS IAM User with administrator priviledges, access key and secret key.
To configure the AWS CLI run the following command:
aws configure
This will interactively prompt for your AWS IAM user access key, secret key and preferred region.
Note: Your region needs to match the above default configuration else the setup will fail.
Step 1. Checkout the repository:
git clone
Step 2. Change directory to AWS:
cd WAS-Kubernetes/EnvironmentSetup/AWS/
Step 3. Create two S3 buckets to use for WAS, these are needed for resource-manager, resourceinfo-bucket and nodefileinfo-bucket:
If the buckets will be in 'us-east-1'
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <RESOURCEINFOBUCKETNAME>
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <NODEFILEINFOBUCKETNAME>
If will be in any other regions(us-east-2, us-west-1 etc.)
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <RESOURCEINFOBUCKETNAME> --region <REGION> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<REGION>
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <NODEFILEINFOBUCKETNAME> --region <REGION> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<REGION>
Step 4. Update buckets file with these buckets
Step 5. Run the following command to set up EKS and deploy WAS:
mkdir -p ~/.kube && docker-compose up --build -d && clear && docker exec -it aws-setup-manager bash setup --create && sudo chown -R $USER ~/.kube
Note: This can take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Step 6. Run the following command to retrieve your base URL and application URLs:
docker-compose up --build -d && clear && docker exec -it aws-setup-manager bash setup --endpoint-info
The output of this command will follow this pattern:
Base URL - Active Web Elements Server: http://<your-base-url>/
Resource Manager: http://<your-base-url>/resources/
Endpoints Manager: http://<your-base-url>/endpoints/
Nodefiles: http://<your-base-url>/nodefiles/
Endpoints Info: http://<your-base-url>/.applicationserver/info
Restart AWES: http://<your-base-url>/.applicationserver/kernel/restart
Step 7. After completion, run this command to shutdown the aws-setup-manager:
docker-compose down
Step 8. Get a license file from your Wolfram Research sales representative.
Step 9. This file needs to be deployed to WAS as a node file in the conventional location .Wolfram/Licensing/mathpass
. From a Wolfram Language client, this may be achieved using the following code:
was = ServiceConnect["WolframApplicationServer", "http://<your-base-url>"];
ServiceExecute[was, "DeployNodeFile",
{"Contents"-> File["/path/to/mathpass"], "NodeFile" -> ".Wolfram/Licensing/mathpass"}]
Alternatively you may use the node files REST API to install the license file.
Note: In order to use the Wolfram Language functions, the WolframApplicationServer paclet must be installed and loaded. Run the following code:
Step 10. Restart the application using the restart API to enable your Wolfram Engines.
URL: http://<your-base-url>/.applicationserver/kernel/restart
The default credentials for this API are:
Username: applicationserver
Password: P7g[/Y8v?KR}#YvN
To change these, see the configuration documentation.
Note: Active Web Elements Server will restart and activate using the mathpass. Upon successful activation, the application shall start.
Your setup is now complete.
The following completely deletes everything including the kubernetes cluster, Wolfram Application Server and all resources:
Step 1. Update the terraform/
file with your WAS cluster info(aws_region, cluster name etc.)
Step 2. Change your directory to the directory containing docker-compose.yml
directory and run the following command to destroy your EKS cluster and WAS:
docker-compose up --build -d && clear && docker exec -it aws-setup-manager bash setup --delete
Warning: All data will be destroyed.
Step 2. After completion, shutdown the aws-setup-manager by running the following command:
docker-compose down -v
1. Backend configuration is changed error.
Building EKS - (can take upto 30 minutes) [ERROR] Failed with error: 1
[ ✘ ]
[ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting.
[ERROR] The last few log entries were:
│ Error: Backend configuration changed
│ A change in the backend configuration has been detected, which may require
│ migrating existing state.
│ If you wish to attempt automatic migration of the state, use “terraform
│ init -migrate-state”.
│ If you wish to store the current configuration with no changes to the
│ state, use “terraform init -reconfigure”.
You need to check these bullet-points.
Check S3/DynamoDb for previous WAS setup states. If any of them exists, remove it manually on AWS Console.
Remove docker container cache.
- Stop the running
container withdocker kill <CONTAINER_ID>
docker container prune -f
docker volume prune -a -f
ordocker volume prune -f
, depends on the docker version.
- Stop the running