- Invulnerability conds cause arms to disappear with bonemerged robot/custom player model
- Need to test wave complete / wave fail / mission completion etc for attributes, make sure things are getting cleaned up
- Remove arms and bonemerged models / reset model of players when their attributes arent present
- Try to see if we can detect thirdperson to redisplay the bonemerged custom model instead of simply on taunt
- Once varargs is done, rename HandModelOverride to ModelOverride which can either change HAND_MODEL or PLAYER_MODEL, maybe PROP_MODEL too?
- After this redo the playersarerobots incompatibility with the new ModelOverride since it also might include player models
- ScriptLoadTable and ScriptUnloadTable?
- (ItemAttributes / PlayerAttributes) fix attributes carrying over on classes for some reason
- Finish LoadoutControl once we have our own giveweapon funcs
- Change format of playerattributes and itemattributes to be consistent with loadoutcontrol
- Modify PlayersAreRobots or make a new attr for changing robot vo to human (use this in ReverseMVM)
- Reimplement the Error system with try catch and throw
- (HolidayPunchFix) Check if we need to set m_hOwnerEnity since we already use SetOwner
- (ReverseMVM) Fix laser on sniper for human anims
- (ReverseMVM) See if we can forcibly jump to the next wave somehow when firing a game_round_win
- Fix AnimatedViewControlAll camera movement
- Implement the rest of the functions for tutorialtools.nut
- Unsure of how the global moneyfix will interact with the ReverseMVM money collection code, need to test
- Make a human / zombie voices override for reversemvm and add support for giants (for robos use the sounds, for others deepen the voice pitch)
- Add the robo idle sound?
- Find out a way to remove robo footsteps when we're on blue and not a robot, maybe a think sending StopSound?