JavaScript, Expressjs, MVC frontend, Memcached, Python, FastAPI, GraphQL, AsyncPG, Postgres
This example contains a frontend and backend:
- The frontend is an Express application using an MVC architecture and Pug + Bootstrap4 for view templating.
- The backend is a GraphQL API providing the ability to create, delete, and list reservatios plus available rooms for a given date range.
React Javascript and Typescript versions of this same idea are available.
Booked reservations are listed via the API. Each reservation request were processed in the order provided as if they were real-time requests. The following rules are observed:
- When a room is reserved, it cannot be reserved by another guest on overlapping dates.
- Whenever there are multiple available rooms for a request, the room with the lower final price is assigned.
- Whenever a request is made for a single room, a double bed room may be assigned (if no single is available?).
- Smokers are not placed in non-smoking rooms.
- Non-smokers are not placed in allowed smoking rooms.
- Final price for reservations are determined by daily price * num of days requested, plus the cleaning fee.
Web UI Usage:
API Usage:
Example usage via curl:
# First, grab an access token provided by the API
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=password&username=example-user&password=example-user' \
'http://localhost:8080/token' | jq -r '.access_token')
# List all existing booked reservations
curl http://localhost:$API_PORT/development/graphql \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-d '{"query": "query { getAllReservations { reservations { room_id checkin_date checkout_date } } }"}'
# Create a new reservation
# Note: if there is an overlap, you'll see a
# 'Reservation dates overlap with an existing reservation' error message
# To see the aforementioned error, run this mutation a multiple times
curl http://localhost:$API_PORT/development/graphql \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-d '{ "query": "mutation { createReservation( input: { room_id: \"91754a14-4885-4200-a052-e4042431ffb8\", checkin_date: \"2023-12-31\", checkout_date: \"2024-01-02\" }) { success errors reservation { id room_id checkin_date checkout_date total_charge } } }" }'
# List Available Rooms for a given date range
curl http://localhost:$API_PORT/development/graphql \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-d '{"query": "query { getAvailableRooms( input: { checkin_date: \"2023-12-31\", checkout_date: \"2024-01-02\" }) { success errors rooms { id num_beds allow_smoking daily_rate cleaning_fee } } }" }'
Open API UI Usage:
Navigate to http://localhost:$API_PORT/docs.
Table of Contents:
To run the service, you will need to install the following tools.
The below are optional but highly recommended:
First, we'll need to set up our environment variables. You can do this by either any of the methods mentioned in /tools/ but I recommend using Direnv.
Next, execute the following in your terminal:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Execute the following within your terminal:
nvm use # To eliminate any issues, install/use the version listed in .nvmrc.
npm i # install the packages needed for project
Finally, let's create and seed the database and our Reservations and Rooms tables:
# Create the database and seed it
NODE_ENV=development | npm run refresh && npm run seed
During development, you can just execute npm run dev:db-baseline
to refresh the database back to the original seed data.
To run both the frontend and backend concurrently:
docker-compose up -d # runs the database in the background
npm run dev
Also, you just execute the backend via npm run dev:backend
. to verify the backend is working:
curl http://localhost:$API_PORT/$ENV/about
You can also acces the Ariadne GraphiQL (interactive test playground) instance at http://localhost:$API_PORT/$ENV/graphql.
The frontend utilizes Jest. To run these tests, simply execute npm run test:frontend
The backend tests organized for improved readability and comprehension. These tests are segmented into individual files, a structure that simplifies the testing process and enhances accessibility. While individual preferences may vary, this is my chosen approach for managing tests in this project.
To run these tests, simply execute npm run test:backend
docker build backend/. -t acme-hotel-example-backend:latest \
--build-arg RESERVATION_PORT="80" \
--build-arg ENV="${ENV}" \
--build-arg IS_DEBUG="${IS_DEBUG}" \
--build-arg SECRET_KEY="$SECRET_KEY" \
--build-arg PG_URL="$PG_URL"
# finally, to run a named container
docker run --name backend-dev -p 8000:80 acme-hotel-example-backend`
To verify the environment variables set, you can execute the following on the named container by:
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -qf "name=backend-dev" -n 1)
# this will display the container's environment variables in console
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID printenv
If you need to re-create the container with the same name, do docker rm (i.e., backend-dev) first.
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