This project was started to enable control of Mini-Circuits Rudat 6000 programmable RF attenuators. Linux support for these devices is documented but there are few, if any, libraries or applications for Linux. I have developed this simple command line tool to control Rudat 600 attenuators, however it should be a good starting point for other USB attenuators from Mini-Circuits.
These instructions will let you build, install and execute the rudatctrl command line application.
The code has been tested on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. It does however NOT work on Raspberry Pi 4. The low level hid_read function call fails on the Pi 4 for unknown reasons.
The following components are needed to build the code base
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev libusb-1.0.0-dev libudev-dev libhidapi-dev libserial-dev
In addition you must install the cxxopts header: git clone sudo cp cxxopts/include/cxxopts.hpp /usr/local/include
The code is so simple a makefile is not necessary. Build using the following command line
g++ -std=c++11 -o rudatctrl -g main.cpp rudat_6000_90_attenuator.cpp -lusb -lhidapi-hidraw
sudo ./
Rudatctrl requires low level hardware access, The install script sets up udev rules to accomodate this.
List the serial number of all attached rudat 6000 attenuators:
rudatctrl --list
Read the attenuation of an attenuator
rudatctrl -s 123456789
Set the attenuation of an attenuator to 45 db
rudatctrl -s 123456789 -a 45
Any contributions warmly appreciated. It would be good to hear if this code was useful.
Richard Webb of MD1 Technology, Cheltenham Film Studios, Cheltenham.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details