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Releases: WebberZone/top-10

Version 3.3.1 Beta 1

04 Aug 17:40
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Version 3.3.1 Beta 1 Pre-release


  • Fix: bug in the_content filter detection which sometimes caused the counter not to display
  • Fix: wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr deprecated


  1. Download the file from this release post
  2. Visit Plugins in your Admin Area
  3. Hit the Add New button next to the Plugins heading
  4. Hit the Upload button next to the Add Plugins heading
  5. Select the file that you downloaded and hit Install Now
  6. In the next screen choose Replace current with uploaded
  7. This should replace the plugin with the latest version. You can verify this by going back to the Plugins page and checking the version number

Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.3.1-beta1

Version 3.3.0

07 Jul 19:10
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Release post:

  • Features:

  • Enhancements/Modifications:

    • Complete rewrite of Top 10 plugin to use Classes and autoloading
    • get_tptn_post_count_only() and get_tptn_post_count can also take a WP_Post object and returns an integer only without the count being number formatted
    • tptn_list shortcode now accepts WP_Query parameters. You can also pass typical array only parameters as a comma-separated list
    • Tracker script no longer require jQuery
    • Widget styles are handled properly with the block editor
  • Bug fixes:

    • Post count should only display once within the content within the main loop
    • Fixed data labels in the Dashboard graphs
    • Custom Post Type labels could cause an issue in Network view of popular posts

Full Changelog: v3.2.5...v3.3.0

Version 3.3.0 Beta 3

04 Jul 14:20
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Version 3.3.0 Beta 3 Pre-release


  • Features:

  • Enhancements/Modifications:

    • get_post_count_only() can also take a WP_Post object and returns an integer only without the count being number formatted
    • Complete rewrite of Top 10 plugin to use Classes and autoloading
    • tptn_list shortcode now accepts WP_Query parameters. You can also pass typical array only parameters as a comma-separated list
    • Tracker script no longer require jQuery
    • Widget styles are handled properly with the block editor
  • Bug fixes:

    • Post count should only display once within the content within the main loop
    • Fixed labels in the Dashboard
    • Custom Post Type labels could cause an issue in Network view of popular posts


  1. Download the file from this release post
  2. Visit Plugins in your Admin Area
  3. Hit the Add New button next to the Plugins heading
  4. Hit the Upload button next to the Add Plugins heading
  5. Select the file that you downloaded and hit Install Now
  6. In the next screen choose Replace current with uploaded
  7. This should replace the plugin with the latest version. You can verify this by going back to the Plugins page and checking the version number

Full Changelog: v3.3.0-beta2...v3.3.0-beta3

Version 3.3.0 Beta 2

02 Jul 18:18
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Version 3.3.0 Beta 2 Pre-release


  • Features:

  • Enhancements/Modifications:

    • get_post_count_only() can also take a WP_Post object and returns an integer only without the count being number formatted
    • Complete rewrite of Top 10 plugin to use Classes and autoloading
    • tptn_list shortcode now accepts WP_Query parameters. You can also pass typical array only parameters as a comma-separated list
    • Tracker script no longer require jQuery
  • Bug fixes:

    • Post count should only display once within the content within the main loop
    • Fixed labels in the Dashboard


  1. Download the file from this release post
  2. Visit Plugins in your Admin Area
  3. Hit the Add New button next to the Plugins heading
  4. Hit the Upload button next to the Add Plugins heading
  5. Select the file that you downloaded and hit Install Now
  6. In the next screen choose Replace current with uploaded
  7. This should replace the plugin with the latest version. You can verify this by going back to the Plugins page and checking the version number

Full Changelog: v3.3.0-beta1...v3.3.0-beta2

Version 3.3.0 Beta 1

27 Jun 21:12
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Version 3.3.0 Beta 1 Pre-release

Plugin rewrite to use classes and autoloader.


  1. Download the file from this release post
  2. Visit Plugins in your Admin Area
  3. Hit the Add New button next to the Plugins heading
  4. Hit the Upload button next to the Add Plugins heading
  5. Select the file that you downloaded and hit Install Now
  6. In the next screen choose Replace current with uploaded
  7. This should replace the plugin with the latest version. You can verify this by going back to the Plugins page and checking the version number

Full Changelog: v3.2.5...v3.3.0-beta1

Version 3.2.5

22 Feb 15:23
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Security fix

Full Changelog: v3.2.4...v3.2.5

Version 3.2.4

17 Feb 20:04
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Security fix

Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v3.2.4

Version 3.2.3

28 Dec 15:58
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Security fix

Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.2.3

Version 3.2.3 Beta 1

25 Dec 20:43
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Version 3.2.3 Beta 1 Pre-release


  1. Download the file from this release post
  2. Visit Plugins in your Admin Area
  3. Hit the Add New button next to the Plugins heading
  4. Hit the Upload button next to the Add Plugins heading
  5. Select the file that you downloaded and hit Install Now
  6. In the next screen choose Replace current with uploaded
  7. This should replace the plugin with the latest version. You can verify this by going back to the Plugins page and checking the version number

Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.2.3-beta1

Version 3.2.2

23 Sep 18:53
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Release post:

  • Enhancements/Modifications:

    • Dashboard widget will display the number of posts set in the Top 10 Settings page
  • Bug fixes:

    • Tax query parameter was not set in Top_Ten_Query
    • post_type parameter was not set in Top_Ten_Query
    • Parse error in some PHP installs prevented the plugin from being activated
    • Fixed missing stylesheet error when text_only style is selected
    • Only from categories option in the Widget now takes a comma-separated ID list only as the autocomplete was not compatible with the new widget interface

Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2