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Terminal I/O.
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Add an API for portable terminal I/O support, including escape sequences
and control codes. This aims to cover features used by most applications
while remaining portable across popular terminals.
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sunfishcode committed Feb 8, 2025
1 parent e4c71d8 commit 7aca316
Showing 1 changed file with 280 additions and 10 deletions.
290 changes: 280 additions & 10 deletions wit-0.3.0-draft/terminal.wit
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,295 @@
/// Terminal input.
/// Support for terminal input.
/// In the future, this may include functions for disabling echoing,
/// disabling input buffering so that keyboard events are sent through
/// immediately, querying supported features, and so on.
/// This adds support for a set of terminal control APIs and "ANSI"-style
/// escape sequences and control codes. It is intended to be implementable on a
/// wide variety of platforms, and support the most common features used by
/// terminal applications.
/// This specificaion effectively requires implementations to parse the
/// input and output bytestreams and translate escape sequences and control
/// codes to ensure consistent behavior. Implementations shall not permit
/// arbitrary escape sequences to be communicated between applications and
/// virtual terminals.
/// All terminal input and output is encoded in UTF-8. No 8-bit
/// "externded ASCII" control code encodings are recognized. On input to
/// applications, any bytes which are not valid UTF-8 are replaced with the
/// replacement character U+FFFD, following the [UTF-8 decoder] algorithm in
/// the [WHATWG Encoding spec], with an [error mode] of "replacement". On
/// output from applications, any bytes which are not valid UTF-8 evoke a
/// trap, following the [UTF-8 decoder] algorithm in the
/// [WHATWG Encoding spec], with an [error mode] of "fatal".
/// [UTF-8 decoder]:
/// [WHATWG Encoding algorithm]:
/// [error mode]:
/// TODO: define lexing and behavior of unrecognized escape codes.
/// TODO: define behavior for unrecognized control codes
/// See the comments on the `terminal-output` interface for more background
/// on terminal support.
/// In the tables, "terminfo" refers to the long form of the equivalent
/// terminfo capability, "ti" refers to the short form of the equivalent
/// terminfo capability, and "tc" refers to the equivalent termcap name.
/// A "\*" indicates that there is no simple equivalent.
@since(version = 0.3.0)
interface terminal-input {
/// The input side of a terminal.
/// Implementations must reset terminals to default settings when terminal
/// resources are created and dropped.
/// The following control codes and escape sequences are defined for
/// terminal input:
/// Control codes:
/// | Code | Meaning | terminfo | ti | tc |
/// | -----| ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | ----- | -- |
/// | U+8 | Ctrl-H; despite U+8 being historically called "backspace" in ASCII, this isn't the backspace key | key_left | kcub1 | kl |
/// | U+9 | Tab | \* | \* | \* |
/// | U+A | Enter | key_enter | kent | @8 |
/// | U+C | Ctrl-L, in immediate mode, requests applications refresh the screen | key_clear | kclr | kC |
/// | U+1B | Escape, in immediate mode, | \* | \* | \* |
/// | U+7F | Backspace; this is the backspace key | key_backspace | kbs | kb |
/// Escape sequences:
/// | Sequence | Meaning | terminfo | ti | tc |
/// | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | -- |
/// | `␛[A` | Up | key_up | kcuu1 | ku |
/// | `␛[B` | Down | key_down | kcud1 | kd |
/// | `␛[C` | Right | key_right | kcuf1 | kr |
/// | `␛[D` | Left | key_left | kcub1 | kl |
/// | `␛[F` | End | key_end | kend | @7 |
/// | `␛[H` | Home | key_home | khome | kh |
/// | `␛[2~` | Insert | key_ic | kich1 | kI |
/// | `␛[3~` | Delete | key_dc | kdch1 | kD |
/// | `␛[5~` | Page Up | key_ppage | kpp | kP |
/// | `␛[6~` | Page Down | key_npage | knp | kN |
/// | `␛OP` | F1 | key_f1 | kf1 | k1 |
/// | `␛OQ` | F2 | key_f2 | kf2 | k2 |
/// | `␛OR` | F3 | key_f3 | kf3 | k3 |
/// | `␛OS` | F4 | key_f4 | kf4 | k4 |
/// | `␛[15~` | F5 | key_f5 | kf5 | k5 |
/// | `␛[17~` | F6 | key_f6 | kf6 | k6 |
/// | `␛[18~` | F7 | key_f7 | kf7 | k7 |
/// | `␛[19~` | F8 | key_f8 | kf8 | k8 |
/// | `␛[20~` | F9 | key_f9 | kf9 | k9 |
/// | `␛[21~` | F10 | key_f10 | kf10 | k; |
/// | `␛[23~` | F11 | key_f11 | kf11 | F1 |
/// | `␛[24~` | F12 | key_f12 | kf12 | F2 |
/// | `␛[200~` | Begin Paste; only emitted when bracketed paste mode is activated | PS | PS | \* |
/// | `␛[201~` | End Paste; only emitted when bracketed paste mode is activated | PE | PS | \* |
@since(version = 0.3.0)
resource terminal-input;
resource terminal-input {
/// Enable or disable *immediate* mode.
/// Immediate mode makes input key sequences available to be read on
/// the input stream immediately, rather than buffering them up
/// until the end of the line is seen.
/// This may fail if the implementation doesn't support immediate mode.
set-immediate: func(mode: bool) -> result;

/// Disable or enable *echo* mode.
/// Echo mode retransmits input key sequences back to the output of the
/// terminal, so that users can see what they're typing. Echoing is the
/// default behavior in terminals, but disabling can be useful for
/// entering passwords or for combining with immediate mode to make
/// interactive terminal interfaces.
/// This may fail if the implementation doesn't support echo mode.
set-echo: func(mode: bool) -> result;

/// Terminal output.
/// Support for terminal output.
/// This includes support for a basic terminal interactions, including
/// functions for getting and setting basic "termios" terminal attributes, and
/// support for control codes and "ANSI" escape sequences.
/// The "ANSI" here refers to ANSI X3.64, which later became ECMA-48
/// (ISO/IEC 6429). However, ECMA-48 was last updated in 1991, it has many
/// features which are no longer relevant, it has no awareness of Unicode
/// or UTF-8, it leaves many behaviors implementation-dependent, and it lacks
/// many extensions that modern implementations have added and have become
/// popular in modern use cases. So while this "ANSI" is the original source
/// for a lot of the terminology used, it's not a normative reference.
/// In the future, this may include functions for querying the terminal
/// size, being notified of terminal size changes, querying supported
/// features, and so on.
/// For now, out of practicality, this document starts by describing features
/// which are widely supported and widely used in modern implementations and
/// use cases. Over time, this could grow to become more complete.
@since(version = 0.3.0)
interface terminal-output {
/// The output side of a terminal.
/// Implementations must reset terminals to default settings when terminal
/// resources are created and dropped. Implementations are encouraged to
/// ensure that if log messages are also being written to the terminal,
/// that they not be permitted to be obscured by terminal manipulation.
@since(version = 0.3.0)
resource terminal-output;
resource terminal-output {
/// Return the current number of rows and columns in the terminal.
/// Not all terminals have a set size, and not all that do know their
/// size, so this function may fail if the size cannot be determined.
window-size: func() -> result<rows-and-columns>;

/// Return the current number of columns in the terminal.
/// Not all terminals have a set size, and not all that do know their
/// size, so this function may fail if the size cannot be determined.
window-columns: func() -> result<u16>;

/// Return a `stream` listening for window size changes.
/// This `stream` produces empty values when the window size changes.
/// On implementations which don't support size changes, it never
/// produces any values.
size-changes: func() -> stream;

/// What kinds of colors are supported, and preferred?
/// This returns a set of flags indicating which families of
/// escape sequences for displaying color are supported. The "OSC 4"
/// method of detecting color is not supported.
/// TODO: document `␛[…m` and `␛[48;2;«r»;«g»;«b»m`.
color: func() -> color-flags;

/// Does this terminal support line-editing features?
/// These include the control codes and escape sequences for moving
/// the cursor around the current line, clearing all or part of the
/// current line, as well as the "alert" code (U+7) which should
/// produce an acoustic or visual notification. This reflects the
/// functionality commonly used for command-line prompts.
/// The following additional control codes and escape sequences are
/// defined in implementations which declare line-enditing support:
/// Control codes:
/// | Code | Meaning | terminfo | ti | tc |
/// | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | -- |
/// | U+7 | Alert | bell | bel | bl |
/// | U+8 | Move cursor back one column | cursor_left | cub1 | le |
/// | U+9 | Tab | tab | ht | ta |
/// | U+A | End of line | newline | nel | nw |
/// | U+C | FF Terminal Compatibility | newline | nel | nw |
/// | U+D | Carriage Return | carriage_return | cr | cr |
/// | U+7F | No Effect | | | |
/// Escape sequences:
/// | Sequence | Meaning | terminfo | ti | tc |
/// | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | -- |
/// | `␛[K` | Clear to end of line | clr_eol | el | ce |
/// | `␛[0K` | Clear to end of line | clr_eol | el | ce |
/// | `␛[2K` | Clear entire line | \* | \* | \* |
line-editing-supported: func() -> bool;

/// Does this terminal support full-screen features?
/// These include moving the cursor to arbitrary positions on the
/// full screen, and clearing all or part of the full screen. This
/// reflects the functionality commonly used for interactive terminal
/// user interfaces.
/// The following additional control codes and escape sequences are
/// defined in implementations which declare full-screen support:
/// Escape sequences:
/// | Sequence | Meaning | terminfo | ti | tc |
/// | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | -- |
/// | `␛[?1049h` | Enter full-screen mode | enter_ca_mode | smcup | ti |
/// The following additional control codes and escape sequences are
/// defined when full-screen mode has been entered:
/// | Sequence | Meaning | terminfo | ti | tc |
/// | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | -- |
/// | `␛[«n»A` | Move the cursor up `«n»` rows | cursor_up | cuu1 | up |
/// | `␛[«n»B` | Move the cursor down `«n»` rows | cursor_down | cud1 | do |
/// | `␛[«n»C` | Move the cursor right `«n»` column | cursor_right | cuf1 | nd |
/// | `␛[«n»D` | Move the cursor left `«n»` columns | cursor_left | cub1 | le |
/// | `␛[«n»G` | Move the cursor to column `«n»` | column_address | hpa | ch |
/// | `␛[«row»;«column»H` | Move the cursor to row `«row»` and column `«column»` | cursor_address | cup | cm |
/// | `␛[0J` | Clear from the cursor to the end of the screen | clr_eos | ed | cd |
/// | `␛[1J` | Clear the screen from the beginning to the current cursor position | \* | \* | \* |
/// | `␛[2J` | Clear the whole screen | clear_screen | clear | cl |
/// | `␛[«n»d` | Move the cursor to row `«n»` | row_address | vpa | cv |
/// | `␛[«row»;«column»f` | Move the cursor to row `«row»` and column `«column»` | cursor_address | cup | cm |
/// | `␛[?25h` | Set the cursor as visible | cursor_visible | cvvis | vs |
/// | `␛[?1049h` | Clear the screen and reset full-screen settings to defaults | enter_ca_mode | smcup | ti |
/// | `␛[?2004h` | Begin bracketed paste mode | BE | BE | \* |
/// | `␛[?25l` | Set the cursor as invisible | cursor_invisible | civis | vi |
/// | `␛[?1049l` | Exit full-screen mode and restore the terminal to its prior state | exit_ca_mode | rmcup | te |
/// | `␛[?2004l` | End bracketed paste mode | BD | BD | \* |
/// | `␛[!p` | Reset the terminal to default settings, without clearing the screen | \* | \* | \* |
full-screen-supported: func() -> bool;

/// Flags indicating support for different sets of color escape
/// sequences, and the user's preference for whether they should
/// be used by default.
/// Other color features, including 88-color and 256-color are not
/// included here, as the associated escape sequences are not as
/// portable, and they're effectively obviated by truecolor support.
flags color-flags {
/// Are the classic "4-bit color" escape sequences supported?
/// This indicates support for up to 16 colors, on foreground and
/// background, using the widely-supported (and ECMA-48) "SGR"
/// color escape sequences of the form `␛[…m`. See
/// [here] for more information.
/// Before using color in your user interface, also consider
/// checking `color-desired` to obtain the user's preference for
/// enabling color by default.
/// [here]:

/// Are the 24-bit "true color" escape sequences supported?
/// This indicates support for up to 16 colors, on foreground and
/// background, using "true color" escape sequences of the form
/// `␛[38;2;«r»;«g»;«b»m` (foreground) and `␛[48;2;«r»;«g»;«b»m`
/// (background). The `«r»`, `«g»`, and `«b»` fields are integers
/// in the range [0,256) indicating red, green, and blue values
/// respectively. See [here] for more information.
/// Before using color in your user interface, also consider
/// checking `color-desired` to obtain the user's preference for
/// enabling color by default.
/// [here]:

/// Does the user with color to be used by default?
/// Some users have a terminal which supports color, but prefer
/// applications not use it by default; this flag indicates
/// this preference.
/// See the [`NO_COLOR` website]( for more
/// information.

/// A pair of rows and columns.
record rows-and-columns {
rows: u16,
columns: u16,

/// An interface providing an optional `terminal-input` for stdin as a
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