A suite of CC:Tweaked (ComputerCraft:Tweaked) Lua-based programs.
Warnet is a personal project made to create a networking standard for public use. It is heavily WIP, but it is the first of many applications to be made.
Warnet also has an interface library, which can be installed standalone to programs in order to also allow functionality between many user-made applications.
Warnet is dedicated to offering the following services:
Easy-to-use methods of creating comprehensive networking messages
Functions built into the networking messages to allow non-Warnet devices to easily obtain message information!
Many forms of customizing networking messages to suit all of a user's needs
(TBD) Encryption integration to allow secure channel communication between computers utilizing Private-Public Key Encryption
(TBD) Similar to Rednet, Warnet can repeat messages to other devices, in the case of there being no Ender Modems
Custom Ping commands
Custom Hosting- name your device what you want on the internet, and it'll respond to the host ID as well!
(TBD) Auto-generative ID- Easily assign your device a new, personal ID to be recognized on the network by!
(TBD) VPN Addon- create your own secure form of VPNs to prevent unauthorized use!
Note: Warnet is currently in development, changes will be made over time.
Install Warnet standalone by running the following command on your computer:
wget run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Warnickwar/WarSuite/main/Warnet/WarnetInstaller.lua