A simple program to translate keypresses into mouse clicks.
Download and run either the standalone executable or the python script, whichever you prefer.
When the program starts, it will display all of your current saved macros with their information. Follow the instructions in the window to add/start/exit:
(a) - Add macro: Follow the prompt to create a new macro. Enter a name, the desired keybind, capture your x/y coordinates, and then select either single click or double click.
(s) - Start macro: This will begin the main program and monitor for keypresses. When you press one of the macro keys it will execute your mouse click at the desired location, and then move your mouse back to its original position. This happens pretty fast. While the main program is running, you can press Ctrl+C to stop and return to the selection screen.
(d) - Delete macro: This will display a list of the macros present and then prompt the user to select the macro number they wish to delete, or 0 to cancel.
(e) - Exit: This will close the program
|^| If you found this script helpful, please feel free to toss me a buck on Kofi! :) https://ko-fi.com/wangthunder |^|